Lesson 433
Julia and Nick are talking about the breakdown of their friends' marriage.
Julia and Nick are talking about the breakdown of their friends' marriage.
J: Julia
N: Nick
J: Well, it looks like Mia and Bill are heading towards divorce.
I was talking to Mia this morning and she said she was on her
way in to see her lawyer.
N: Really? I had lunch with Bill today and he didn’t mention
anything about it.
J: It may be that he doesn’t know yet. From what I gathered,
the two aren’t even on speaking terms at the moment.
N: Yeah, now you mention it, Bill was saying that Mia changed
her phone number and told everyone not to give him the new
number. He wants to try and sort things out but it sounds
like she isn’t even giving him a chance.
J: I know. She gave me her new number this morning and made it
clear that under no circumstances was I to give it to Bill.
I thought she was being a bit extreme but she was insistent.
N: Well, I think it’s pretty unreasonable to file for divorce
without even letting your husband know first. That’s not
the kind of news you want to hear from your lawyer.
J: I know. I do feel sorry for Bill. But Mia is in pretty bad
shape too. I just hope it doesn’t get too messy.
Well, it looks like Mia and Bill are heading towards divorce.
"head towards" は「〜に向かう、〜になりそう」という意味。
「〜」にくることは、避難的なことが多い。 "head" は「頭」
ほかに 「向かう」という意味の"head" を使う表現で "head
after 〜" 「〜を追い始める」, "head back" 「戻る」,
"head straight for 〜" 「〜に直行する」もある。
Ex. I'm concerned that she seems to be headed towards a
nervous breakdown.
From what I gathered, the two aren't even on speaking terms at the moment.
"gather" は、いろいろな意味があるが、ここでは「〜であることを
Ex. I gather that you are cousins.
She gave me her new number this morning and made it clear that under no circumstances was I to give it to Bill.
"under no circumstances"は「どんな事業であっても、どんな
ことがあっても決して〜しない」という意味。他にも、"in no
circumstances", "under no conditions"という言い方もある。
Ex: Under no circumstances should you disturb the CEO during
a meeting.
But Mia is in pretty bad shape too.
Ex: She is in top shape.
J: ねえ、ミアとビルは離婚に向かってるみたいね。ミアと今朝話してて、
N: 本当? 今日、ビルと昼飯食べたけど、そんな事何も言ってなかったな。
J: 多分、彼はまだ知らないからよ。私が推測するには、あの二人、
N: そうか、そう言われてみれば、ビルが言ってたけど、ミアは電話番号
J: そうね。彼女、今朝私に新しい番号をくれたけど、どんな事情が
N: うーん、最初に自分の旦那に知らせないで、離婚届を出すのは、
J: そうよね。ビルには本当に同情しちゃわ。だけど、ミアもかなりひどい
状態よ。 あまり厄介なことにならなきゃ良いけど。