Lesson 436
Sarah is trying to hide an embarrassing secret from her husband Rick.
Sarah is trying to hide an embarrassing secret from her husband Rick.
R: Rick
S: Sarah
R: Hi honey, I’m home!
S: Hi sweetie, I’m just on my way out.
R: Where are you going at this hour? And why do you have that
woollen hat on? It’s 30 degrees outside.
S: Er, no reason. I found it today when I was cleaning up and…
(Rick grabs the hat off her head) Hey, give it back!
R: Oh my God! Your hair! It’s bright pink!
S: Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.
R: What did you do to it to make it that colour?
S: It’s that stupid hair dye that your sister recommended to me.
This was supposed to come out mahogany.
R: Well, hadn’t you better do something about it?
S: I’ve been trying! I’ve already been through two bottles of
shampoo trying to wash the damn stuff out.
R: Well, it hasn’t worked, has it?
S: What an astute observation. I’m just off to the hairdresser’s
now go get it dyed back to blonde.
R: Well, I won’t stand in your way. See ya later Pinkie!
Where are you going at this hour?
"at this hour"は「こんな時間に、この時間帯に」という意味。
他に"hour"を使ったイディオムには、"after hours"
「勤務時間外に」、"at all hours"「いつでも、時を選ばず」、
"hour after hour"「毎時間」、"on the hour"「毎正時に、
Ex: Is there a cafe open at this hour?
I'm just on my way out.
"on one's way 〜"は「〜の途中で、〜の途中である」という意味。
例えば、"on one's way home"「家に帰る途中」、"on one's way to
work"「通勤途中」、"I'm on my way."「今向かっている途中です、
Ex: "Where are you now?"
"I'm on my way over."
tell me something I don't know.
"tell me something I don't know"は「分かりきったことを
Ex: "Your ex is dating Terri now."
"Tell me something I don't know."
This was supposed to come out mahogany.
"be supposed to 〜 “は「〜するはずである、本来ならば〜する
はずだ、 〜することになっている」という意味。過去形、完了不定詞
Ex: David was supposed to show up at 7 o'clock.
R: おーい、ただいま!
S: あなた、お帰りなさい。丁度出掛けるところなの。
R: こんな時間にどこに行くんだい?それに、どうしてウールの帽子を
S: えー、理由はないの。今日、掃除をしてる時に見つけたから・・・
R: あー!髪が!まっピンクだよ!
S: そうなの、分かってます。
R: 何をしてその色になったの?
S: あなたの妹が私に勧めた、あのとんでもない毛染めよ。本当は、
R: そうか、何かしてみたの?
S: ずっとやってるわ!このとんでもない色を洗い流そうとして、
R: だけど、効果ないね?
S: なんと鋭い観察ですこと。金髪に染め直すために、丁度今、美容院に
R: なら、邪魔しないよ。じゃあね、ピンクちゃん!