Lesson 441
Marianne wants to borrow some money from her father, who is not happy about her request
Marianne wants to borrow some money from her father, who is not happy about her request
M: Marianne
D: Daddy
M: Daaaaad! Can I ask you a favour?
D: (suspiciously) What?
M: Can I borrow $200?
D: $200! What did you do, break something?
M: No! I found this gorgeous dress today that would be just
perfect for next month’s school dance, and I want to get it
before someone else does.
D: What do you think we pay you an allowance for, Marianne?
M: Yeah, but that’s just for day to day expenses, right? I mean,
this is special. And there’s no way I can save $200 by next
month. Come on Dad!
D: And what makes you think that forking out $200 is easy for me?
Do you think money grows on trees? The answer is no.
M: Aw, Dad! I promise I’ll pay it all back. Please!
D: Alright then, I’ll give it to you on one condition.
M: Yes, anything!
D: In return for me giving you $200 now, you’ll have no allowance
for the next two months.
M: Two whole months! But how am I going to buy makeup and clothes?
D: That’s not my problem. But maybe by next time you’ll have
learned the importance of saving.
And what makes you think that forking out $200 is easy for me?
"what makes you think 〜"は「〜とでも思っているのか、〜する訳
ないだろう」という意味。 "what makes you 〜"は直訳すれば、
Ex: What made you decide to study English?
Do you think money grows on trees?
"money grows on trees"は「お金が木になる」ということ。
日本で言われているのと、同じ表現。"grow on trees"は
「簡単に手に入る」という意味。「金のなる木」は“money tree"
Ex: Money doesn't grow on trees.
Two whole months!
"whole"を使った単語には、 "wholehearted"「誠心誠意」、
"whole number"「整数」、 "whole sale"「卸売り」、
Ex: I had the flu, so I stayed in bed for one whole week.
M: パ〜パ〜!お願いがあるんだけど。
D: (怪しげに) 何だい?
M: 200ドル借りても良いかな?
D: 200ドル!何をやったんだ、何か壊したのか?
M: 違うわよ!今日、来月の学校のダンスパーティーにぴったりな、
D: マリアン、私たちが君に払ってるお小遣いは、何だと思ってるんだ?
M: うん、だけど、あれは日々の出費のためでしょ?これは、特別なの。
D: 200ドルを出すのが、パパには簡単なことだとでも思っているのか?
M: あー、パパ!お金は全部返すって約束するから。お願い!
D: よし、分かった。一つ条件付で、お金を上げよう。
M: 何でも聞くわ!
D: 今200ドルを上げる代わりに、この先二ヶ月はお小遣い無しだ。
M: まる二ヶ月!でも、どうやって、化粧品や洋服を買えば言いの?
D: パパの知ったことじゃないよ。だけどこの次までに、貯金の大切さ