Lesson 449
Derek and Erica are talking about one of their workmates, Nigel, who was fired for sexual harassment.
Derek and Erica are talking about one of their workmates, Nigel, who was fired for sexual harassment.
D: Derek
N: Nigel
D: Hey, did you hear what happened to Nigel?
N: No, what?
D: They gave him the sack this morning.
N: Good on them! That’s exactly what he deserves after his
behaviour at the office party last night!
D: Why? What did he do?
N: He just got totally off his face and then proceeded to feel up
every girl in sight.
D: What?! They told me it was for sexual harassment but I didn’t
believe them. That doesn’t sound like Nigel at all.
N: That’s because you’ve never been out drinking with him.
The man is a menace to women once he’s had a few.
D: Then why hasn’t anyone said anything about it before?
N: Well, it’s never been bad enough to warrant a complaint before.
But last night he just went too far.
D: Boy, it sounds like I missed quite a show.
N: Trust me, you were better off working late yesterday.
They gave him the sack this morning.
"give someone the sack" は「(人を)首にする」という意味。
"sack" は名詞で「布の袋」という意味がある。この表現は、昔、
「首になる、解雇される」は "get the sack" という。
Ex: James was always neglecting his work. In the end, they gave
him the sack.
He just got totally off his face and then proceeded to feel up every girl in sight.
"off one's face"は「ベロンベロンに酔って、泥酔して、酒(麻薬)
にひどく酔って」という意味。他には、"as drunk as a fish",
"dead drunk", "as high as a kite", "out of it" などの言い方も
Ex: I got off my face last night and don't remember how I got home.
That doesn't sound like Nigel at all.
"sound like 〜"は「〜らしく聞こえる、〜のように聞こえる、
出来る。"That sounds like a good idea."「面白そう/良い考え
みたい」、"You sound like my father."「あなたは私のお父さん
Ex: That doesn't sound like you to say something like that.
The man is a menace to women once he's had a few.
"menace" は名詞では「厄介者、迷惑を掛ける人、危険人物、
Ex: That boy is a menace!
D: おい、ナイジェルに何があったか聞いたかい?
N: いいえ、何よ?
D: 今朝、上司が首にしたよ。
N: 良くやったわね!昨夜の社内パーティーでの彼の行動の後だもの、
D: どうして?あいつ何をしたの?
N: 彼、完全に泥酔して、目に入った女の子全員を触り続けたの。
D: 何だって?!セクシャルハラスメントだったって、女の子達は言ってた
N: それは、あなたが彼と飲みに行ったことがないからよ。彼はちょっと
D: じゃあ、何で、前に誰もそのことについて何も言わなかったのさ?
N: う〜ん、前は、訴える正当な理由に成る程、悪くならなかったのよ。
D: あーあ、僕は面白いショーを見逃したみたいだな。
N: 大丈夫、昨日は残業してた方が良かったわよ。