Lesson 471
Bev and Matt, on their way to the cinema, are talking about friend Dave and his girlfriend Sarah.
Bev and Matt, on their way to the cinema, are talking about friend Dave and his girlfriend Sarah.
B: We should get a move on, the movie starts at 8.
M: Hang on, I can’t find my keys… Oh, I got them.
B: Did you get hold of Dave? Is he meeting us?
M: I spoke to him, but he’s got a dinner thing with Sarah and her folks.
B: He’s always got plans in the weekend now.
M: Yeah, but he’s just following Sarah around. I couldn’t get him to
come out last weekend either.
B: Oh, we were at the pub the other week. I was having a good long
chat with him, then he gets a call on his mobile. From…
M: Sarah!
B: And what did he do? He was off in a second to meet her.
M: Well, we know who wears the pants in that relationship.
B: Here, I’ll give him a call now.
We should get a move on, the movie starts at 8.
"get a move on"は「急ぐ、ぐずぐずするな、動き出す」という意味。
この場合は"hurry up"と同じ意味。他にも "get a wiggle on",
"look snappy","snap to it","get one's act togehter",
"get going"という言い方がある。
Ex: If you don't get a move on, you'll be late for school.
Hang on, I can't find my keys… Oh, I got them.
"hang on"はこの場合「待つ」という意味。その他「(電話を)切らない
イディオムには、"hang up"「電話を切る、掛ける」、"hang around"
「ぶらぶらする、待つ」、"hang back"「(恐れや自信のなさのために)
しりごみする、ためらう」、"hang out"「(窓などから)身を乗り出す」
Ex: Hang on a second.
Well, we know who wears the pants in that relationship.
"wear the pants/trousers"は「妻が夫を尻に敷く、(妻が)主導権を
Ex: "Who wears the pants in your family?" "Mom!"
B: 急がないと!映画は8時に始まるよ。
M: 待てよ、鍵が見つからない・・・あっ、あった。
B: デーブに連絡取れた?彼、私たちに会うの?
M: 話したけど、サラとサラの家族と夕飯を食べなきゃいけないって。
B: 彼は、今じゃ、週末はいつも予定があるね。
M: ああ、だけど、あいつはただサラについていくだけだよ。先週末も、
B: あ〜、この前の週は、私たちパブにいたよ。デーブと、かなり長い間話
M: サラ!
B: それで、どうしたと思う?彼女に会いに、すぐに出て行ったのよ。
M: まあ、あの付き合いで誰が主導権を握っているか、分かるな。
B: ほら、今彼に電話してみるよ。