Lesson 489
Graham, who has just won $1 million in the lottery, is talking about his win to his friend Samantha.
Graham, who has just won $1 million in the lottery, is talking about his win to his friend Samantha.
S: Hey Graham, you’re looking tired. Has all that celebrating
finally got the better of you?
G: Huh! I haven’t had time to party. The phone’s been ringing off
the hook ever since I found out I won.
S: But I thought you didn’t tell anyone about it.
G: I didn’t. I only mentioned it to you and my parents, but
someone has obviously blabbed because now all these long-lost
relatives are coming out of the woodwork to try to get their
piece of the action.
S: I hope you told them where to go!
G: Well, not in so many words, but I did make it clear that I’m not
giving any handouts. I think I’ll just shout the extended
family a weekend away and leave it at that.
S: That’s a good idea. That way they can’t complain that you
haven’t done anything for them.
G: I sure hope so!
Has all that celebrating finally got the better of you?
"get the better of 〜"は「(人を)負かす、〜より優勢になる、
イディオムには、"no better than 〜"「〜も同様である、まるで〜で
ある」、"go one better"「(人よりも)優れる、一枚上手である」、
"better oneself"「出世する、昇進・昇給する。自己を磨く、教養を
つむ」、“for better or worse"「よかれ悪しかれ」、
"Never better."「(体の調子を尋ねられたとき)今までに無く
Ex: I won't let my appetite get the better of me. I'm on
a diet.
all these long-lost relatives are coming out of the woodwork to try to get their piece of the action.
"come out of woodwork"は「突然(ぞろぞろ)現れる・出てくる」
表現。"crawl out of woodwork"とも言う。"piece of the action"
は「分け前、割り当て」という意味で、"get a piece of the action"
Ex: At night, the bums and drug addicts crawl out of the
woodwork and walk the streets.
I hope you told them where to go!
"tell someone where to go"は「たしなめる、身の程を教えてやる」
という意味。この場合、"where to go"はスラングの"fuck off"と
Ex: My sister was really rude to my friends so I told her
where to go.
S: あら、グラハム、疲れているみたいね。ついに、お祝いし過ぎて
G: はぁ!パーティーをする時間はなかったよ。僕が宝くじに当たったって
S: だけど、あなたは誰にもそのことを言わなかったと思ったけど。
G: 言わなかったよ。話したのは、君と両親だけだけど、明らかに誰かが
S: うるさいって言ってやったでしょ!
G: まあ、そこまでは言ってないけど、なんのお恵みも上げるつもりは
S: それは良い考えね。 それなら、あなたが彼らに何もしてあげて
G: 本当にそうだといいな!