Lesson 600
Ken is talking to his coworker Claire about his holiday plan.
Ken is talking to his coworker Claire about his holiday plan.
Ken: I’m thinking of going to witness a total solar eclipse with my friends.
Claire: A solar eclipse? Is that going to occur anytime soon?
Ken: Not that soon…20 months from now. They say it would be observable for as long as five minutes from a remote island of this country. We’re going to witness the historical moment of the century!
Claire: (looks uninterested) But do you need to plan your historic holiday this soon?
Ken: Of course we do! This remote island is not well equipped with accommodation facilities, so there’s already been a lot of competition to secure a place to stay. My friend who works for a tourist agency is looking for some decent place for the four of us.
Claire: Anyway, good luck.
Ken: You don’t sound very excited…
Claire: Natural phenomena never excite me for some reason…
a total solar eclipse
solar eclipseだけなら「日食」となります。ちなみに「(皆既)月食」は(total) lunar eclipse。
Is that going to occur anytime soon?
anytime soon(近いうちに)は肯定文でも使えます。
Ex) He should be here anytime soon.
This remote island is not well equipped with accommodation facilities, so there's already been a lot of competition to secure a place to stay.
My friend who works for a tourist agency is looking for some decent place for the four of us.
Natural phenomena never excite me for some reason…
for some reason(なぜかわからないけれど、どうも)も日常会話ではよく活躍するフレーズです。somehowと言っても同じですがsomehowには「どうにか」という意味もあるので注意してください。
Ex) Somehow I knew you would say that.
How are you doing?---Surviving, somehow.
K: 友達と皆既日食を見に行こうと思っているんだ。
C: 日食?もうじきそんなものが起きるの?
K: そんなにすぐってわけじゃないけど…今から20ヶ月後だね。この国のひなびた島で5分も見られるらしいんだ。世紀の歴史的瞬間をこの目で見るんだ!
C: (興味なさそうに)でもその歴史的休暇をこんなに早くからプラニングしなくちゃいけないの?
K: もちろんだよ!このひなびた島ってのは宿泊施設があまり整っていなくてね、すでに泊まるところを確保するべくみんな躍起になってるんだ。旅行代理店に勤めている僕の友人が我々4人のためにいい宿泊先を探してくれているんだ。
C: いずれにしても、いい所がみつかるといいわね。
K: あんまりテンション高くないね…
C: 自然現象ってなぜか興奮しないのよね…