社会の窓から英会話Social / Business

Scene 5-5 中級 Shipwreck ~難破船~

What a Coincidence

A porter on the ship shows Sam to his cabin. He loves it, but notices something interesting about the cabin next door.



Porter: Right this way, sir.

Sam: Wow, it’s huge!

Porter: Ah, yes, sir. You have the sitting room here, a walk-in closet, full bath, and, of course, through there is your bedroom.

Sam: This is great, and what a view.

Porter: Yes, sir. You are welcome to lounge on this deck at any time. In fact, that lounge chair is for your private use.

Sam: Amazing…Humph.

Porter: Something wrong, sir?

Sam: Oh, oh, sorry. It’s nothing. Just my next door neighbor here’s last name is Sommerville. That’s my ex-wife’s maiden name…What a coincidence.

Porter: Yes, sir. Will that be all?

Sam: Yeah, I can handle it from here. Thanks for you help. (he gives the porter a tip)

Porter: Thank you, sir.



Sam is now on the ship and he is amazed by the luxury of his room and its surroundings. However, he notices a strange coincidence. The person staying next door has the same last name as Joan. Audrey's plan is now starting to become obvious: she has arranged this vacation so that her parents would be forced to meet. To Sam and Joan, though, Audrey's plan still remains a mystery. It is interesting in this dialogue to contrast the very formal expressions - such as "sir" - used by the porter to the more informal, colloquial expressions of the cab driver from two dialogues back. Such formal address would be required and indeed expected of first class service.

Words & Phrases

sitting room

full bath:


maiden name:




Porter: こちらでございます。

Sam: ワオ、大きいな!

Porter: ああ、はい。こちらが居間、ウォークインクローゼット、ユニットバス、それにもちろん、あちらが寝室でございます。

Sam: すごいね、それに、すばらしい眺めだ。

Porter: はい。いつでもこちらの甲板でおくつろぎください。実は、あのラウンジチェアは、お客様専用でございます。

Sam: すばらしい….ふふん。

Porter: どうかいたしましたか?

Sam: ああ、あぁ、すまない。なんでもないよ。ただ、隣の部屋の人、ラストネームがソマヴィルだね。別れた妻の旧姓なんだ。すごい偶然だな。

Porter: はい。以上でよろしいでしょうか?

Sam: うん、ここからは自分でやるよ。手伝ってくれてありがとう。(ポーターにチップを渡す)

Porter: ありがとうございます。