社会の窓から英会話Social / Business

Scene 4-1 上級 Office Politics ~社内でのかけひき~

I’d be biting my nails

Two co-workers, Brain and Ted are talking about an upcoming promotion. However, Ted has been so busy these days that he hasn't really given it much thought.



Brian: So, what do you think about today?

Ted: Today? What? What do you mean?

Brian: You know about the opening for marketing vice-president. Word has it that Stanley’s already made up his mind and is going to announce his decision today.

Ted: Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that.

Brian: You almost forgot! How could you forget!? You’re one of the prime candidates for the opening. If I were you I’d be biting my nails in anticipation. That is unless you already know something.

Ted: Huh. No. I have no idea about what’s happening. I’ve been really busy with these new accounts. Meeting after meeting, and report after report, it’s got me tied up. Anyway, do you really think I’ve got a shot?

Brian: The way I see it, it’ll come down to you, Sarah, Jack, Lucy, or me. We’ve got the most seniority, and we all produce a lot of business around here.

Ted: I guess so. Yeah. It’ll be interesting to see who he picks…What time did he say that meeting is at?

Brian: Stanley’s got it scheduled for 3 in the conference room. The memo went around about half an hour ago.



It is obvious from the dialogue that Ted is under a lot of pressure at work. He has recently acquired two big accounts for the company and he is incredibly busy trying to take care of them. These accounts will become an important part of the story as it continues to develop. One thing to take note of in this conversation is the expression "It's got me tied up." This is used when someone is incredibly busy with something or when they are preoccupied by something. A similar expression: "get (wrapped/caught) up in…" means to be influenced or affected by something; or to be involved in something, whether voluntarily or by circumstance. It generally has a negative connotation- e.g. "He got caught up in the drinking lifestyle, and lost everything that was important to him."
このダイアログから明らかなことは、テッドが仕事で多くのプレッシャーを抱えていることです。彼は最近、2つの大口取引を手に入れて、その対応のために信じられないほど忙しいのです。これらの取引相手は、物語が進むにつれて、話のカギとなっていきます。 この会話の中で一つ注意すべきことは、"It's got me tied up"という表現です。 この表現は、誰かが何かで信じられないほど忙しいときや、何かに没頭しているときに使われます。 類似の表現: "get (wrapped/caught) up in…" は、何かに影響されている、あるいは自発的に、または状況的に、何かに関わっているという意味です。しばしば否定的な意味合いを含みます。例文:"He got caught up in the drinking lifestyle, and lost everything that was important to him."

Words & Phrases



give 〜 a thought:


make up one's mind:



bite one's nails:

in anticipation:





Brian: それで、今日のこと、どう思う?

Ted: 今日?何?何のことだい?

Brian: ほら、マーケティング・バイスプレジデントのポストのことだよ。スタンレイはもう心を決めていて、今日その決定を発表するツモリだって話だぜ。

Ted: ああ、そうだった。ほとんど忘れてたよ。

Brian: ほとんど忘れてただって!どうしたら忘れることができるわけ?!君はその有力候補の一人だろ。もし僕が君だったら、期待と不安で、ツメを噛んでイライラしてることだろうよ。もう既に何か知っているんだったら、別だけど。

Ted: ふーん。いや。どうなるのか、まったく見当もつかないよ。新しい取引の件で、本当に忙しくてさ。打ち合わせ続き、レポート続きで、がんがらじめだよ。ところで、本当に僕が候補だと思うのかい?

Brian: 僕の見立てでは、君か、サラ、ジャック、ルーシー、じゃなきゃ僕だね。勤続年数も長いし、この辺りではみんな営業実績あるから。

Ted: そうだな。うん。誰が選ばれるのか、興味深いね。そのミーティングは何時だって?

Brian: スタンレイは3時に会議室でって予定にしてたよ。30分位前にメモが回ってた。