Lesson 40
Jeff and Yukio are cooking.
Jeff and Yukio are cooking.
Jeff: How is it?
Yukio: It tastes good! So, how often do you have barbecues?
Jeff: Hmm … about once every other week throughout the summer, but by October it’s too cold.
Yukio: That often huh! No wonder you’re a good chef! Can you pass me the salad?
Jeff: Sure. Hmm, it looks like we could use some more charcoal. Can you hand me the bag?
Yukio: Here you are. Do you want a hand?
Jeff: Please. Can you lift the grill for me?
Yukio: Sure.
Jeff: Ok, on three. One – two – three!
It tastes good!
ex) Mother tasted the stew and made a face.
No wonder you're a good chef!
"It is no wander that〜"の省略した言い方で、 「〜は少しも不思議ではない」の意味。
ex) No wonder he didn't come.
Can you pass me the salad?
この "pass" は「(物を手で)渡す、(食卓などで食べ物を)回す」という意味。 食卓を囲んだとき、少し手を伸ばせば取れる物でも近くの人に渡してもらうのがマナーなので、この表現はよく使われます。
ex) Will you pass the pepper?
Pass the note to your mom.
it looks like we could use some more charcoal.
"look like 〜"で「〜になりそうだ:〜の様に見える」という意味。
ex) It looks like rain.
It looks like fun.
Can you hand me the bag?
ex) He handed me a ticket at the gate.
He handed his mother into the car.
Here you are.
Do you want a hand?
この "hand" は「(援助の)手、手助け」の意味です。
ex) give a person a hand
This is rather heavy. Can you give me a hand?
Words & Phrases
Jeff: (味は)どう?
Yukio: おいしいよ! どのくらい(の間隔で)バーベキューをするの?
Jeff: そうだなぁ〜。夏の間は2週間に1回ぐらいかなぁ。でも、10月までだよ。それ以降になると寒くてね。
Yukio: そんなにしょっちゅう、やってるの! いいコックさんなわけだ。そのサラダ取ってくれない。
Jeff: はいよ。あれ? もうちょっと炭を入れた方がいいみたいだなぁ。その袋を取ってちょうだい。
Yukio: はい、どうぞ。手伝おうか?
Jeff: 頼むよ。このグリル(BBQの箱)を上げてくれない?
Jeff: 1・2・3でいくよ。いーち、にーっ、さんっ!