Lesson 78
It is Jim's birthday and he has decided to have a fancy dress party. Rachel and Ikumi are discussing ideas for costumes.
It is Jim's birthday and he has decided to have a fancy dress party. Rachel and Ikumi are discussing ideas for costumes.
Rachel: So, do you have any ideas for Jim’s party?
Ikumi: My brother has this really great penguin costume, so I might do that.
Rachel: That’s cool. I did have an idea for us though.
Ikumi: What’s that?
Rachel: I found matching kitten costumes for us in a shop close to me.
Ikumi: Oh yeah! What was the price like?
Rachel: Very reasonable – I can’t remember exactly, but it’s very affordable.
Ikumi: Sounds good. How about we go tomorrow and check them out?
Rachel: Sure. I’ll pick you up at around six?
Ikumi: Ok.
I did have an idea for us though.
動詞の前に置かれた"do", "does", "did"は肯定文を強調する役目があります。会話ではこの部分("do, does, did")を強く発音します。
ex) I do think it's a pity.
Do tell me.
Oh yeah! What was the price like?
値段を聞くときに"How much〜?"の他に"What is the price of〜?"の聞き方もよく使われます。
Very reasonable - I can't remember exactly, but it's very affordable.
Very reasonable - I can't remember exactly, but it's very affordable.
ex) We cannot afford a car.
How about we go tomorrow and check them out?
ex) Hey, check this out!
Words & Phrases
Rachel: それで、ジムのパーティーの良いアイディアはうかんだ?
Ikumi: 私の兄がこのすごいペンギンのコスチュームを持ってるのね。それを着ようかしら。
Rachel: いいじゃない! でも私に考えがあるんだ。
Ikumi: 何それ?
Rachel: 私たちにぴったりの子猫のコスチュームを近くの店で見つけたの。
Ikumi: そうなんだ! 値段はどのくらいだった?
Rachel: とても手ごろなの!ちゃんとは覚えてないけど、でもとてもお手ごろだよ。
Ikumi: いいじゃん! 明日行って調べて来ない?
Rachel: いいよ。6時ごろ迎えに行こうか?
Ikumi: オッケー!