Lesson 79
Noriyuki wants some advice about …
Noriyuki wants some advice about …
Bruce: Noriyuki, can I ask you for some advice?
Noriyuki: Sure, what is it?
Bruce: Well, I really want to ask Tomomi out on a date, but I’m not sure how to go about doing it.
Noriyuki: Hmm, it may be better to do it face-to-face than over the phone. Why don’t you ask her to coffee with you one afternoon?
Bruce: Do you think that’s better than dinner?
Noriyuki: I think you should ask her out for coffee and ask her then if she’d like to have dinner with you. I think she might like you, you know.
Bruce: Oh yeah, how come?
Noriyuki: I overheard her and Yumi talking about you the other night. It sounded quite promising.
Bruce: Right! I’ll ask her then!
Noriyuki: Well, don’t get excited yet – I’m not sure. It’s probably safer not to expect anything too much yet.
Noriyuki, can I ask you for some advice?
"advice"は「忠告、助言」の意味だが、「1つの忠告」を"an advice"とするのは間違いで、"a piece of advice"、または"some advice"とするのが正しい表現です。
But I'm not sure how to go about doing it.
"go about"はいろいろな意味があるが、この場合は「(〜することに)取りかかる、取り組む」の意味になります。
ex) He went about repairing the car.
Oh yeah, how come?
"How come〜?"は口語で「〜はどうしてですか、なぜ」の意味。"How did it come that〜?"の短縮形です。
ex) How come you weren't at the party yesterday?
It sounded quite promising.
ex) a promising youth
The weather is promising.
Well, don't get excited yet.
ex) That movie was exciting.
I was excited by the movie.
Words & Phrases
Bruce: ねぇ、のりゆき、アドバイスして欲しいんだけど。
Noriyuki: いいよ。何?
Bruce: あのー、ともみちゃんとデートしたいんだけどー、どうやって誘い出せばいいか分からないんだよ。
Noriyuki: んー、電話よりも面と向かって誘った方がいいかもしれないよ。午後のお茶にでも誘ってみたら?
Bruce: ディナーに誘うよりもその方がいいと思う?
Noriyuki: お茶に誘ってみて、それからディナーはどうか聞いてみれば。彼女は君のこと、好きかもしれないよ。
Bruce: 本当に? どうしてそう思うの?
Noriyuki: この前の夜、ともみちゃんとゆみちゃんがブルースのこと話しているの聞いちゃったんだ。とても脈がありそうな感じだったよ。
Bruce: そうかっ!じゃ、誘ってみるよ!
Noriyuki: でも、まだあんまり興奮しないでよ、確かでは無いんだから。まだ、期待しすぎない方がいいと思うよ。