Lesson 80
Tom and Yasuyuki are talking about winning things and gambling.
Tom and Yasuyuki are talking about winning things and gambling.
Tom: Have you ever won anything Yasuyuki?
Yasuyuki: Hmm … I’ve won stuffed toys on the UFO catchers before!
Tom: How about on the lottery or something like that?
Yasuyuki: I’ve never won anything like that. Have you?
Tom: No, but a friend of mine had quite a big win on the lottery about two years ago. One of the things he did was have a huge party – that was a lot of fun!
Yasuyuki: Neat! I’ve won reasonable amounts on pachinko before, but overall I’ve probably lost more money on pachinko than I’ve won.
Tom: Yeah, I think the same goes for me and my trips to Vegas. I’ve won before, but overall, I expect I’m down!
How about on the lottery or something like that?
"something like that"は「それと同じようなもの」、すなわち「〜など」「〜とか」を意味します。
ex) Her name is Shoko or something like that.
I've never won anything like that. Have you?
うえの"something like that"が否定文や疑問文で使われると"anything like that"となります。"Have you?"は、うしろの"won anything"が省略された形です。
I've won reasonable amounts on pachinko before
ここでの"reasonable"は「適度な」くらいの意味。その他「もっともな」、 「(値段が)手ごろな」などプラスのイメージがある単語です。
I think the same goes for me and my trips to Vegas.
"the same goes for 〜"で「〜にもあてはまる」。"the same goes for me" は相手の言ったことが自分にも当てはまる場合によく使う表現です。
Words & Phrases
Tom: 何か当てたことある?
Yasuyuki: んー、前にUFOキャッチャーでぬいぐるみを当てたことがあるよ!
Tom: 宝くじとかはどう?
Yasuyuki: そういうのは全然。トムは?
Tom: ないね。でも、僕の友達が2年前に宝くじですごいの当たったよ。彼がやったことの一つは、すごい大きなパーティーだね。とっても楽しかったよ。
Yasuyuki: いいなー。僕はパチンコで結構もうけてね、でもトータルでは、多分勝ったよりも負けた方が多いな。
Tom: うん、僕も同じだね。ラスベガスの旅もそうだった。最初は勝ってたんだけど、結局負けちゃったとおもうな。