Lesson 159
Workmates Jenny and Brad are doing overtime at the office and talking about their workmate Celia.
Workmates Jenny and Brad are doing overtime at the office and talking about their workmate Celia.
Brad: Where’s Celia disappeared to? Don’t tell me she’s gone home already?
Jenny: Yeah, it looks like she has. Her bag and coat aren’t here.
Brad: I don’t believe the nerve of that woman! Here we are with piles of reports to write and a looming deadline, and she’s dumping all the dirty work into our laps! It happens every time! I bet you she hasn’t done a proper day’s work in her entire life!
Jenny: Now Brad, I think that’s going a bit far. She does have a young child to look after at home, you know, so she can’t stay after work as long as we can.
Brad: I can understand her having to go home early to look after her kid, but it’s the fact that she doesn’t lift a finger during office hours that makes me mad! She spends the whole day doing her nails and fixing her makeup!
Jenny: Hmmm, I can’t argue with you there. She does seem to spend more time looking into her compact mirror than she does at the computer.
Brad: If she would just do her share of the work, life would be so much easier for the both of us, and we wouldn’t have to do all this damn overtime.
Jenny: Well, why don’t we have a word with her tomorrow?
Brad: No, I have a better idea! Why don’t we dump all this work on her desk and go out for a drink!
I don't believe the nerve of that woman!
"the nerve of 〜"は、「〜の生意気さ」という意味。怒りがこめられている表現です。
ex: The nerve of that guy! Pushing in front of me like that!
(あの男は失礼よ! あんなふうに私の前に割り込んで!)
Here we are with piles of reports to write and a looming deadline,
"piles of 〜"は、「山ほどの〜」という意味。他の言い方として"heaps of 〜" "a whole lot of 〜" という言い方もあります。
ex: I have piles of dirty laundry at home.
but it's the fact that she doesn't lift a finger during office hours that makes me mad!
"don't lift a finger"は、「(助けが必要な状況で)何もしないでいる」という意味。他の言い方として、"don't raise a finger," "don't do anything," "don't do squat" などがあります。
ex: She doesn't lift a finger to help her mother.
Why don't we dump all this work on her desk and go out for a drink!
ここでの"dump"は、「ドサッと落とす」という意味。同じ意味の単語で、"plonk," "throw," "chuck"という言い方もあります。
ex: Let's dump our bags at home and go get some ice cream!
Words & Phrases
Brad: セリアはどこに行ったの? まさかもう帰ったの?!
Jenny: うん、帰ったみたいね。彼女の鞄とコートがないもん。
Brad: あの女の生意気さには驚くよ! ぼくたちは迫っている締切日まで山ほどのレポートを書かなければならないのに、彼女は嫌な仕事をぼくたちに任せっぱなしだ! 毎回こうなるんだよ! ぜったい、いままでの人生で一日の仕事をちゃんとしたことはないだろうね!
Jenny: まあ、ブラッド、それはちょっと言い過ぎだと思うよ。家で小さい子供の面倒をみなければならないでしょう。だから、わたしたちみたいに遅くまで残業できないのよ。
Brad: 子供の面倒をみるために早く帰るのは分かるけど、勤務時間内になにもしないことが腹立たしいんだよだよ! 一日中つめをいじったり、化粧直しをしてるんだよ!
Jenny: んー、確かにそうね。コンピューターの画面よりコンパクトの鏡をのぞいてる時間のほうが多いね。
Brad: 彼女が自分の仕事をちゃんとやってくれれば、ぼくたちの仕事がラクになって、こんな残業もやらなくていいのに。
Jenny: じゃあ、あした彼女にちょっと話してみようか?
Brad: いや、もっといい考えがあるよ。この仕事をぜんぶ彼女の机の上に置いて、飲みに行こうよ!