Lesson 291
Daniel and Lee are talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up when they were children.
Daniel and Lee are talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up when they were children.
Daniel: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Lee: When I was 5, I wanted to be a spaceman. Mainly because most of my toys were spaceships I think. But at about the age of 6, that had changed and I wanted to join the army.
Daniel: Why the army?
Lee: Well, maybe it was because my toys changed from spaceships to tanks! But I think it was mainly because my uncle was in the army and he used to come round to our house quite often and tell stories to my parents. I thought it sounded like fun. What about you? What did you want to be when you were young?
Daniel: I wanted to be a shopkeeper for quite a while. Again, I think it was related to how I used to play. My sister and I used to set up shops – we’d sell anything we found lying around the house – and then visit each others’ shops and buy things with pretend money. Of course, we weren’t really buying and selling stuff. It was fun.
Lee: Well, neither of us joined the army or became a shopkeeper, did we?!
Mainly because most of my toys were spaceships I think.
ここでの"mainly because"は、「その一番の理由は」というニュアンスで使われています。文脈によって「主な理由は〜」などとなります。
I wanted to be a shopkeeper for quite a while.
"for a while"で「しばらく」。そこに"quite"(かなり)という意味の副詞が入って、「かなり長い間」となります。
ex: You won't be seeing or hearing from me for quite a while.
Again, I think it was related to how I used to play.
Well, neither of us joined the army or became a shopkeeper, did we?!
"neither of 〜"で「どちらも〜でない」という意味。三人以上の場合は"none of 〜"の形となります。
ex: Neither of these is easy to handle.
Words & Phrases
Daniel: 子どものころ、大人になったら何になりたかった?
Lee: 5歳のときは、宇宙飛行士になりたかったよ。持ってたおもちゃがほとんど宇宙船だったからね。でも、6歳のころには、それが変わって、陸軍に入りたかった。
Daniel: なんで陸軍?
Lee: たぶん、おもちゃが宇宙船から戦車に変わったからだろうね! でも、いちばんの理由は、陸軍に入っていた親戚のおじさんが、よくウチに遊びにやってきて、いろんな話をぼくの親にしてたんだよ。それが楽しそうでね。キミは? 小さいころ何になりたかったの?
Daniel: ずーっとお店の店主になりたかったよ。キミと同じで、小さいころに遊んでたことが影響してると思う。お姉ちゃんと僕でよくお店を出してね。家で転がってるものすべてを売ってたんだ。それで、お互いのお店にいって、おもちゃのおカネで買うんだ。もちろん、実際に買ったり売ったりはしなかったけど、楽しかったよ。
Lee: まあ、けっきょくふたりとも陸軍に入ったりお店の店主にはならなかったな。