Lesson 359
Jake is looking through a stack of resumes to find suitable candidates for the summer intern program at his company. His co-worker/friend Val stops by to see how it's going.
Jake is looking through a stack of resumes to find suitable candidates for the summer intern program at his company. His co-worker/friend Val stops by to see how it's going.
V: Hey, Jake. You got your candidates picked out yet?
J: Sort of. You know, I’ve been reading through all these
resumes and I’ve gotta say it always makes me depressed when I
read these things.
V: That bad, huh.
J: Actually that good…Listen to this. This guy here, a Mr. Phil
Langdon, is an economics major at Harvard, has a 4.0 GPA, and
speaks three languages…And this girl, Raina Aziz, currently
attending NYU’s business school, 3.7 GPA, Dean’s list, and
runs an AIDS awareness committee at her school…and the list
just goes on.
V: Impressive kids.
J: Do you ever remember having those kinds of credentials when you
were in college? I don’t know about you but I was more worried
about where the next party was than my GPA…I mean, I studied
and everything, but this is ridiculous.
V: I guess some kids take academics seriously…I’m sure not
everyone at these schools is like that.
J: These kids just seem so grown up. It’s like they’ve been
nurturing their careers since pre-school. You’ve got to wonder
if they ever have any fun.
V: You should ask them that in the interview.
J: You can’t really ask personal questions like that.
V: Well, maybe not in those words. Find another way to phrase the
question. You know, find out how well-rounded they are…
socially speaking.
J: That’s not a bad idea. It could be kind of an interesting
experiment. I think I’ll try it. Thanks.
V: Don’t mention it.
Sort of.
“sort of" は「多少、いくらか、まあね」という意味。
It was a sort of brownish color. 「茶色のようだった」のように、文中で使う場合は、「〜のようなもの、〜みたいな」の意味になる。
ex. “Can you understand?" “Sort of."
I've gotta say it always makes me depressed when I read these things.
“I've gotta say" は、I have got to say の省略形です。「言わざるを得ない、言わずにいられない、正直なところ」という意味になる。
ex. I've gotta say that's a tough schedule.
You've got to wonder if they ever have any fun.
“have got to wonder if 〜" で「〜かなと思わざるを得ない、〜かなと考えてしまう」という表現になる。
ex. You've got to wonder if they considered all the possibilities before they started.
I guess some kids take academics seriously…
“take 〜seriously" で「〜を深刻に受け止める」というイディオム。
ex. She took the comment seriously.
V: おつかれ、ジェイク。候補者は決まった?
J: まあね。なんかさ、ここの履歴書を全部読んだけど、これを読んでいると
V: それはいけないね。
J: 実際、いいんだけどね・・・ちょっとこれ聞いてくれる? こいつ、
V: すごい子だな。
J: 君は大学の時、そういう実績みたいなものがあった?ヴァルは違うかも
V: 中には勉強を真剣に受けとめる子はいるんじゃないかな・・・これらの
J: この子達は、すごく大人っぽく見えるよ。幼稚園の時から、職業育成され
V: 面接の時、聞いてみれば?
J: そんな個人的なこと聞けないよ。
V: うーん、そういう聞き方じゃなくて。別の表現を見つけなよ。まあ、彼ら
J: それは悪くないね。面白そうな体験かも。試してみるよ。ありがとう。
V: どういたしまして。