Scene 2-9 Slice of Heaven
It is Sara and Elliot’s second day in Napier. Sara is taking Elliot for a drive around her hometown.
Sara: You and Dad were pretty engrossed in conversation out in the
garden this morning. What were you two talking about?
Elliot: What? Oh, um, nothing really. Ah… he was just telling me all
about his garden and how he’s planning to plant raspberries
next year.
Sara: Oh, don’t get him started on his garden. It’s his pride and
joy. Once he starts talking about it he never stops.
Elliot: I know. He was the same that time he and your mum came and
visited us last year, remember.
Sara: Oh, that’s right. He went on and on for hours about his
eggplants. Oh, just up here is the park we used to go to
every Sunday on the way to visit my grandmother. We used to
take stale bread to feed the ducks. I think I even fell in
once or twice. Ahhh, brings back memories.
Elliot: So, where’s the Art Deco stuff? I thought there was supposed
to be heaps of it.
Sara: You won’t see much in the suburbs, but I’m sure we’ll start
passing a few buildings in a minute. Once we get to the city
centre you’ll see a lot more.
Elliot: Oh, you’re right. There was one just now. Wow, you have a
lot of palm trees here too.
Sara: Yeah, they line the main road and the Marine Parade, which
runs adjacent to the beach. It’s really nice in summer ?
they hang coloured lights on the trees along the Marine Parade
at Christmas time.
Elliot: The thought of having Christmas in the summer is really weird.
We’ll have to come back in December next time. I’d love to
experience a down under Christmas.
Sara: Really? Great! I’m going to hold you to that!
To be continued.
You and Dad were pretty engrossed in conversation out in the garden this morning.
“to engross”で「没頭させる、夢中にさせる」という意味。“be engrossed in ~”で「〜に夢中になる、〜に心を奪われる」の意味。
Oh, don’t get him started on his garden.
“to get someone started” で「(誰か)に話させる」という意味のイディオム。 “started” は “start someone talking” の意味で、“don’t get 〜 started” は「〜に話させるな」という意味になる。
Ex. Don’t get me started on Brad. He’s unbearable!
It’s his pride and joy.
“pride and joy” で「自慢の物・人」という意味のイディオム。
“pride” は「誇り、うぬぼれ、自慢の種」で “joy” は「喜び、幸せ」なので、合わせると、「幸せを運ぶ誇りの物」という意味になる。物についてよく使われるが、人の場合は、自分の子供や孫について話す時に使うことが多い。
Ex. This Harley Davidson is Oliver’s pride and joy.
Ex. His daughter was his pride and joy.
He went on and on for hours about his eggplants.
“to go on and on” で「くどくど言う、長々と述べる、延々と話す」という意味。他にも“talk at great length”、“talk long windedly”、“babble on”、“harp on”、“give a big song and dance” という色々な言い方がある。
Ex. Why do you have to go on and on about every little thing?
I thought there was supposed to be heaps of it.
I’d love to experience a down under Christmas.
“down under” は、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドのこと。この南半球の国は、北半球から見ると地球の下にあるのでそう呼ばれるようになった。
I’m going to hold you to that!
“hold” は色々な意味があるが、ここでは「適用できる、〜(に)有効である」という意味になる。約束などの場合によく使われている。“Your promise still holds.” 「あなたの約束はまだ生きている。」“to hold someone to 〜” で「〜(何かの約束)を守ってもらう」という意味のフレーズ。
Ex. I’m going to hold him to his word.
S: 君とお父さんは、今朝、庭でとても話に夢中になってたね。何を話して
E: 何って?あぁ〜、大したことじゃないわ。ん〜、ただ、庭のことについて
S: も〜、調子にのせないで。彼の自慢の種なのよ。1回話し始めたら、止ま
E: 知ってるよ。お父さん、去年、君のお母さんと僕たちに会いに来たときも
S: ええ、そうだったわ。ナスについて延々と話し続けてたわ。あっ、ここを
E: それで、アートデコはどこ?たくさんあったと思ったんだけど。
S: 郊外ではそんなに見ることはできないけど、きっと、この先のビルを
E: ホントだ。今、一件見えた。わぉ、ヤシの木もいっぱいあるね。
S: うん、表通りとビーチのすぐ近くのマリンパレードに立ち並んでいるん
E: 夏にクリスマスってすごく変な感じ。今度は12月に来なくちゃね。ぜひ、
S: ホントに?いいわねぇ!その約束絶対守ってもらうわよ!