Scene 13-5 Bella Donna
A couple of days have passed since the incident with William Pike. Malcolm stops by the reception desk to check up on Cassie.
Cassie: Hi, Malcolm. Busy as usual?
Malcolm: Yeah, the same old same old.
Cassie: I was hoping you’d stop by. Listen, I just wanted to thank you
again for the other day. I’ve been hearing all sorts of stories
about William from the guys in the office, and the more I hear,
the more I’m relieved that he didn’t manage to wrangle a date.
Malcolm: Always happy to help. Has he tried pestering you again?
Cassie: No, he’s been keeping his distance, thank God.
Malcolm: That’s good to hear. If he does try anything funny again, just
let me know and I’ll straighten him out.
Cassie: Thanks. Are you always this obliging to damsels in distress?
Malcolm: Well, I do my best. Now, I have a little present for you.
Cassie: Ooh! What is it?
Malcolm: Nothing too exciting to tell you the truth. We have a new product
coming out next week, and there were a couple of samples lying
around the office, so I thought you might like them. You know,
seeing you’re a make-up junkie and all.
Cassie: Really?! This is awesome! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to
try them out.
Malcolm: Let me know what you think of them. I was also wondering if
you’re free this Friday. A few of us are going out for a few
drinks and I thought you might want to come along. All the
others work here as well, so you would’ve seen their faces before.
Cassie: I’d love to! I’d really like get to know more people who work
here. I mean, I see them walking past every day, but being stuck
behind this desk, I don’t really have the chance to talk to them.
Malcolm: Well, everyone is looking forward to meeting you. It’ll just be
a few of my workmates, a couple of girls from the Chamber of
Commerce on the fourth floor and some of the guys from Jazznet.
Cassie: Sounds great!
Malcolm: OK then! What do you say I meet you here at 6:00 on Friday?
Cassie: 6:00 is fine. I can’t wait!
To be continued
Yeah, the same old same old.
“the same old same old”は「相変わらず、いつもと同じ」という意味。
“same old”は「昔からの、お決まりの、いつもの」という意味。その他、
“same”を使ったイディオムには、“come to the same thing”「結局
同じことだ」、“much the same”「ほぼ同じ」、“all the same”
皆同じ」、“stay the same”「現状維持を続ける、同じ状態であり続ける」
Ex: It's the same old story.
I'm relieved that he didn't manage to wrangle a date.
“wrangle 〜”はこの場合「無理やり(人に)〜させる」という意味。
Ex: I talked to my boss and managed to wrangle a day off on Friday.
If he does try anything funny again, just let me know and I'll straighten him out.
“straighten out”は「(人)を正す、改心させる、まともな人間にする、
Ex: We have to straighten out the problem.
Are you always this obliging to damsels in distress?
“obliging to 〜”は「〜に親切にする、丁寧にする」という意味。
Ex: He is an obliging young man.
You know, seeing you're a make-up junkie and all.
ここでは、“as”が省略されているが、“seeing as”は「〜なので」
イディオムには、“see about 〜”「〜のことを考えてみる」、
“see after”「世話をする、面倒をみる」、“see over”「調べる、
案内する、〜越しに見る」、“see for oneself”「自分で確かめてみる」
Ex: Seeing as you're on your way out, can you send this letter
for me?
I'd really like get to know more people who work here.
“get to know”は「知り合いになる、知り合う」という意味。その他、
“acquaint”, “get acquainted”, “discover each other”,
言う時には、“through”を使う。例えば、“We got to know each
other through a mutual friend.”「私達は、共通の友達を通して知り
Ex: How did you guys get to know each other?
What do you say I meet you here at 6:00 on Friday?
“What do you say 〜?”は「〜どうですか?」という意味で、誘うとき
などに使われる。アメリカ英語では、“What say 〜?”と言われる
例えば、“I'll say.”「まったくその通りです、もちろんです、
本当に」、“Say no more!”「それ以上言うな!」、“Don't say 〜”
「まさか〜じゃないでしょうね」、“let's say 〜”「例えば〜として、
Ex: What do you say we go to see a movie?
C: あら、マルコム。相変わらず忙しいの?
M: ああ、相変わらずだよ。
C: あなたが寄ってくれたら良いなと、思ってたの。あのね、この間の
M: いつでも喜んでお助けするよ。奴は、また君にしつこくしようとしたの?
C: いいえ、彼は、寄り付かないわ、おかげさまで。
M: それは、良かった。もし、あいつがまた、何かおかしなことをしようと
C: ありがとう。あなたはいつもこんなに、困っている女性達に親切に
M: う〜ん、僕の最善は尽くすよ。あの、君にちょっとしたプレゼントが
C: まあ!何?
M: そんなに、大したことじゃないよ。来週発売する新しい製品があって、
C: 本当に?!すごい!本当にありがとう!試すのが待ちきれないわ!
M: 意見を聞かせてよ。それと、今週の金曜日、暇かなと思って。何人かで、
C: 喜んで行くわ!ここで働いているもっと沢山の人と、本当に知り合いに
M: 皆、君に会うのを楽しみにしているよ。俺の同僚が何人かと、4階の
C: いいわね!
M: よし!金曜日の6時に、ここで会うのはどう?
C: 6時でいいわよ。待ち遠しい!