Scene 40
Sharon and her friend Maria have just finished their lunch. Maria takes some pills out of her bag.
Maria: (To a waitress) Can I have some hot water, please? I need to take some
Sharon: Are you taking medicine?
Maria: Oh, it’s Chinese medicine.
Sharon: I didn’t know you were under herb treatments. What’s the problem?
Maria: Nothing serious, but I have poor circulation. When I was very young, I had really bad pimples all over my face, and I tried Chinese medicine, which worked tremendously on me. Since then, I believe in Chinese medicine.
Sharon: But doesn’t Chinese medicine taste bad?
Maria: It depends. These pills taste a bit like cinnamon…see? All I need to do is chew two pills at a time, and swallow them with some hot water. But when you need to concoct a kind of teabag, the whole house would smell like some mysterious lab.
Sharon: I see…but I never knew you had bad pimples. You don’t have any scars.
I didn't know you were under herb treatments.
herb treatmentsは「漢方治療」。「漢方薬」のことはChinese (herb) medicineと言います。be under treatmentsで「治療中」。
I have a poor circulation.
have a poor circulationは「血の巡りが悪い」という意味で、そこから転じて「冷え性だ」となります。「冷え性」にあたるポピュラーな英語はなく、他の言い方をするとすればMy toes and fingers easily get cold.(足先や指がすぐ冷えてしまう)ぐらいでしょうか。
I tried Chinese medicine, which worked tremendously on me.
「薬などが人に効果がある」と言う場合にはwork on…と言います。
Ex) This medicine didn't work on me.
Since then, I believe in Chinese medicine.
believe in とbelieveを使い分けるのはなかなかたいへんです。believeは単に「(人・ものを)信じる」ということで、believe inは「(人を)信用・信頼する」「(ものを)信奉する、いいものだと信じる、正当性を信じる」ということです。以下の例を比較してみてください。
Ex) I believe him.
I believe in him.
You're not going to believe this.
My son doesn't believe in Santa Claus.
I believe in this cosmetics brand.
M: (ウェイトレスに)お湯をもらえますか?薬を飲まなければいけないので。
S: 薬を飲んでるの?
M: あ、これは漢方薬なの。
S: 漢方飲んでるなんて知らなかったわ。どうしたの?
M: たいしたことはないのよ、冷え性でね。すごく若い頃、顔中にひどいニキビができてたのよ、それで漢方を試してみたら私にはすごい効いたの。それ以来、漢方を信奉してるってわけ。
S: でも漢方ってまずくない?
M: 物によるわね。この丸薬はちょっとシナモンみたいな味がするのよ…ほら。1回2粒噛んで、お湯で飲み込むだけ。でもティーバッグみたいなのを煮だすとなると、家中が謎の実験室みたいな匂いになるけどね
S: ふーん…でもニキビがひどかったなんて知らなかったわ。だってニキビ痕が全然ないでしょ!