Lesson 46
Kate is learning how to make a cup of coffee.
Kate is learning how to make a cup of coffee.
Kate: Mom, can you teach me how to make a cup of coffee? I want to make one for Daddy.
Mother: Sure; but you’ll have to be careful. I’ll help you.
Kate: OK!
Mother: Well, first, you fill the kettle up with water.
Kate: Like this?
Mother: Yes, that’s good. Next, put the kettle on the cooker and turn this knob. When the flame starts, you can let go. Be careful!
Kate: OK. I did it!
Mother: Good! Now, while the water is boiling, put one teaspoon of coffee in a mug.
Daddy doesn’t like milk or sugar.
Kate: Is this enough?
Mother: That’s fine. I’ll pour the water into the mug for you. You turn off the cooker, then stir the coffee. I’m sure Daddy’ll enjoy this one!
can you teach me how to make a cup of coffee?
さらに丁寧・控えめに尋ねるには、"could you"や"would you"を使いますが、両方とも過去のことではありません。また、同じ"教える"と訳すものでも、"teach"は「教授する」という意味がありますが、 "tell"なら単に「述べる」意味なので、場所(where)、時間(when)、 理由(why)を尋ねる時には、ふつう"tell"を使います。
ex) Could you teach me how to solve this problem?
Could you tell me where I can find a post office?
Would you tell me why?
Like this?
"Like that?"(あんな感じ?) "Like what?"(たとえば何?)
ex) A: I love sweets!
B: Like what kind?
A: Cookies!
B: Like those in that shelf?
(A: 私,甘いもの大好き!)
(B: どんなのが好きなの?)
(A: クッキー!)
When the flame starts, you can let go.
when(〜の時)は、時の副詞節を導く接続詞。let +O+V (〜に〜させる)という命令、依頼を表します。
ex) I turned 20 when I was in Canada.
Let me know when you are ready.
Let it be.
while the water is boiling, put one teaspoon of coffee in a mug.
ex) He started to clean the room while I was studying.
Is this enough?
ex) Is this enough food for you?
Did you have enough?
Did you want more or less?
Words & Phrases
Kate: お母さん、コーヒーの作り方教えてくれない? お父さんに作ろうと思うの。
Mother: いいわよ。でも気をつけてね。手伝うから。
Kate: OK!
Mother: まずは、やかんに水を入れるの。
Kate: こう?
Mother: そう、いいわよ。そしたら、やかんをガスレンジの上にのせて、この取っ手を回すの。火がついたら、そのままにするの。気をつけるのよ。
Kate: はい!できたわ!
Mother: 上手ね!今度は沸騰したら、マグにコーヒーをスプーン1つ入れるのね。お父さんはミルクや砂糖は嫌いなの。
Kate: もっと?
Mother: それでいいわよ。お母さんがマグにお湯を入れてあげるわね。ガスレンジの火を止めて、コーヒーをかき混ぜてちょうだい。お父さんは、このコーヒーを喜んで飲むわよっ!