Lesson 66
Kazue is asking how to cope with the great desaster.
Kazue is asking how to cope with the great desaster.
Kazue: OK, I think that’s everything. Do you have any questions, Bill?
Bill: Yeah, there is one thing. I’m not worrying about this, but what should I do if there’s a really big earthquake?
Kazue: That’s a good question. Though we don’t have big earthquakes often, it’s a good idea to know what to do. First of all, extinguish all naked flames, and then open the door.
Bill: OK.
Kazue: Don’t go outside. Get underneath a table or a desk or something like that.
Bill: OK, I’ve got it.
Kazue: Good.
Yeah, there is one thing.
First of all…
ex) First of all, he told us about his trip.
something like that.
"something like〜"は「〜のような」という意味です。
ex) A blimp is shaped something like a cigar.
They walked something like 5 miles.
(彼らは約 5 マイルも歩いた)
I've got it!
Words & Phrases
Kazue: よーし、これで全部だと思うわ。ビル、何か訊きたいことある?
Bill: うん、1つだけね。そんなに心配してないけど、ほんとに大きな地震がきたらどうすればいいの?
Kazue: 良い質問ね。しょっちゅう大きな地震はないけど、どうしたらいいか知っておいてもいいからね。まず、火を消す。次にドアを開けるの。
Bill: わかった。
Kazue: 外に出ちゃだめ。テーブルか机かそんな感じのものの下にもぐるの。
Bill: うん、わかった。
Kazue: よかった。(いいわ)