つかえる英会話Daily / Travel

Lesson 76 初級

Are you joking?!

Hiromi is visiting her friend in Paris, Jean-Pierre. They are eating out at a French restaurant.



Hiromi is visiting her friend in Paris, Jean-Pierre. They are eating out at a French restaurant.

Hiromi: So, what would you recommend?

Jean: Well, you’ve come all this way, so you should really try something very French. How about snails?

Hiromi: Snails? Are you joking?!

Jean: They’re actually very good.

Hiromi: They don’t look like they’d be good!

Jean: Octopus doesn’t look like it would be good either!

Hiromi: Well, I suppose I should try it.

Jean: That’s the spirit! Don’t worry, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it.

Hiromi: Obviously!



So, what would you recommend?

ex) She recommended me to try this oil for sunburn.
Can you recommend me a good doctor?

you've come all this way

ここでの"all the way"は「はるばる」という意味あい。
ex) Thank you so much for coming all the way.

Snails? Are you joking?!

日本語の「ウソ〜!?」をそのまま「You are liar!」と訳すのはNG。英語では"Are you joking? " "You must be joking."や"Are you kidding?"などの表現を使います。

They're actually very good.

"actually"は「実は、実際は、(まさかと思うかも知れないが)本当に、 なんと」の意味。動詞を修飾する副詞なので、通常は動詞の前にきますが、文全体を修飾する場合は文頭にくることもあります。
ex) He actually refused!
Actually, I didn't see her do it.

They don't look like they'd be good!

"look like〜"は「〜のようにみえる;〜になりそうだ」の意味です。
ex) It looks like fun.

Words & Phrases





Hiromi: で、なにがオススメ?

Jean: う〜ん、せっかくここにきたんだから、いかにもフランス料理ってかんじのがいいよ。かたつむりはどう?

Hiromi: かたつむり? 冗談でしょ?!

Jean: じつはうまいのよ、これが。

Hiromi: とてもじゃないけど、うまそうにはみえないよ。

Jean: タコだって見ためはまずそうだけど、食べればうまいじゃん。

Hiromi: う〜ん、食べてみようかしら。

Jean: そうこなくっちゃ! 大丈夫、もし口に合わなかったら、無理して食べなくてもいいんだから。

Hiromi: もちろんよっ!