Lesson 81
Hugh invites Yasu to go hitchhiking around Europe.
Hugh invites Yasu to go hitchhiking around Europe.
Hugh: Would you like to come hitchhiking with me around Europe this summer?
Yasu: Hitchhiking? Isn’t that dangerous?
Hugh: Not really. As long as you’re careful, you shouldn’t have any problems.
Yasu: Really. It does sound kind of fun.
Hugh: It is a lot of fun, believe me! And cheap too!
Yasu: Have you been much before?
Hugh: I’ve done a little here and there and then one big trip. I went to France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland. This time, I want to make it to six countries!
Yasu: Wow, you’ve got me excited! We’ll have to talk about this more though before I can say yes for sure.
Would you like to come hitchhiking with me around Europe this summer?
As long as you're careful, you shouldn't have any problems.
Have you been much before?
Wow, you've got me excited!
We'll have to talk about this more though before I can say yes for sure.
Words & Phrases
Hugh: 今年の夏、ヨーロッパにヒッチハイキングをしに行かない?
Yasu: ヒッチハイキング? 危なくない?
Hugh: そうでもないわよ。注意さえすれば、大丈夫なはずよ。
Yasu: ホント。ちょっと楽しそうだよね。
Hugh: スゴイ楽しいわよ、ほんとに!それに安いの!
Yasu: 何度もやったことあるの?
Hugh: あっちこっちでちょこちょこやってて、大旅行をいちど。フランス、スペイン、イタリアとスイスに行ったのよ。今度はあと2か国制覇したいの。
Yasu: へえー、なんか僕もワクワクしてきたよ! でも確実に行くってなるまでに、もっとこれについて話さなきゃね。