Lesson 103
Isabel bumps into her friend Terry on the way home from university.
Isabel bumps into her friend Terry on the way home from university.
Isabel: Hey, Terry. You’re looking pleased with yourself. Did you win the lottery or something?
Terry: No, nothing quite as amazing as that, but its almost as satisfying!
Isabel: What? Don’t keep me in suspense!
Terry: I just passed my French oral exam with full marks!
Isabel: No way! Congratulations! But I just talked to Stacey and she said that it was really difficult.
Terry: Difficult? It was a cinch! I’ve been so nervous about this test all week, but I don’t know what I was getting so worked up about. If I knew it was going to be this easy, I would’ve eased up on the study and got some more sleep!
You're looking pleased with yourself.
"be pleased with"は、「〜に満足して」という意味。
Don't keep me in suspense!
秘密などをなかなか言ってもらえない場合、このフレーズを使います。"Spill the beans!" "Let me in on the secret!" という言い方もあります。
It was a cinch!
"cinch"は、「簡単、たやすい」という意味。"It was a breeze," "It was easy as pie," "It was as easy as falling off a log,"などの言い方もあります。
I've been so nervous about this test all week, but I don't know what I was getting so worked up about.
"worked up"は、「興奮する、心配する、緊張する」という意味。
ex) As she argued with her sister, she got more and more worked up.
If I knew it was going to be this easy, I would've eased up on the study and got some more sleep!
"ease up on 〜"は、「〜を少なめにする」という意味。
ex) Ease up on the gas!
Words & Phrases
Isabel: テリー! 満足な顔をしてるね。宝くじでも当たったの?
Terry: いや、そんな大きいことじゃないけど、それと同じぐらいの嬉しいことがあったんだよ。
Isabel: 何?! 早く教えて!
Terry: フランス語の口頭試験を満点で合格したんだよ!
Isabel: うっそー! おめでとう! でも、今ステーシーと話したばかりだけど、とても難しかったと言ったよ。
Terry: 難しかった? 簡単だったよ! 今週ずっとこのテストのせいで緊張してたけど、あんなに心配しなくてよかった。こんなに簡単だと知ってたら、勉強を少なめにして、もっと寝たよ!