Lesson 107
Jim goes to visit his regular doctor because he is feeling sick.
Jim goes to visit his regular doctor because he is feeling sick.
Doctor: Hello, Jim, good to see you again. What seems to be the problem?
Jim: Well, doc, I have a fever and a heavy cough, as well as a sore throat.
Doctor: Have you experienced any dizzy spells, loss of appetite or extreme fatigue lately?
Jim: I haven’t been eating much, but as for the others no, nothing.
Doctor: Alright. Well, let’s take a look then…
Jim: So, doc, what do you think? Is it serious?
Doctor: No, it’s not very serious. You have a mild case of bronchitis. I’m going to prescribe some medicine that I want you to take 3 times a day for 10 days.
Jim: Thanks very much, doc. See you later.
Doctor: Good-bye, Jim.
What seems to be the problem?
"seem to be 〜"で「〜であるらしい」という意味。
ex: She seems to be in good shape.
I have a fever and a heavy cough, as well as a sore throat.
"A as well as B"で、「Bと同様にAも」ということ。
ex: I like his character as well as his appearance.
Have you experienced any dizzy spells, loss of appetite or extreme fatigue lately?
ex: This morning, I had a bad coughing spell.
You have a mild case of bronchitis.
"mild case of 〜"で、「軽い〜」。病状を表す際によく使います。
I'm going to prescribe some medication that I want you to take 3 times a day for 10 days.
ここの"that"は関係代名詞。"some medecation"をさしています。
Words & Phrases
Doctor: やあ、ジム。また会えて嬉しいよ。具合が悪いのはどこかい?
Jim: ええ、先生、のどの痛みとともに、熱があって激しい咳がでるんです。
Doctor: さいきん、めまいがあったり、食欲がなかったり、疲れやすかったりしたことはある?
Jim: 食欲はあんまりないですが、他の事に関しては心当たりはありません。
Doctor: わかった。では診てみよう・・・
Jim: で、先生、どうでしょう? マズい病気ですか?
Doctor: いや、マズい病気ではないよ。軽い気管支炎だね。薬を出すから、1日3回、10日間飲むように。
Jim: ありがとうございました、先生。じゃまた。
Doctor: またね、ジム。