Lesson 106
Keith is talking to his friend Maxine.
Keith is talking to his friend Maxine.
Keith: Hey, did you hear that Aerosmith are going to be promoting their new album at HMV this evening?
Maxine: You’re kidding! Where did you hear that?
Keith: They mentioned it on the radio this morning as I was driving to work. Do you want to go down and check it out?
Maxine: I’d love to! But maybe we should go early. It’s bound to be crowded.
Keith: You’ve got a point there.
Maxine: What time are they supposed to be there?
Keith: Around 7pm.
Maxine: Well, it’s 5pm now. We’d better make tracks if we want to get a good spot.
Keith: Alright. Let’s get a move on!
You're kidding!
"to be kidding" は、冗談を言うという意味。"You're kidding!"は決まり文句で、「本当ですか?」、「うそ?!」、「マジで?!」という意味になります。同じニュアンスの決まり文句で、"you're pulling my leg!" "No way!" You're having me on!" という言い方 もあります。
Do you want to go down and check it out?
"check out"で、「チェックする」ということ。"take a look" といいかえることもできます。
ex: Can you lend me that magazine? I want to check out the latest autumn fashions.
(あの雑誌を貸してくれる? 秋の最新ファッションをチェックしたいの)
It's bound to be crowded.
"be bound to"は、「きっと〜だろう」という意味。"be certain to," と言い換えることもできます。
ex: He's bound to be angry when he hears you broke his guitar.
We'd better make tracks if we want to get a good spot.
"make tracks"は、「動く、行く、出発する」という意味。"hit the road," 、"make a move" という言い方もあります。
Let's get a move on!
"get a move on"は、「早く動く、すぐに行く」という意味。 "hurry up," "get going," "make tracks," "get cracking," "step on it" という言い方もあります。
ex: You'd better get a move on, otherwise you'll be late!
Words & Phrases
Keith: エアロ・スミスが、今日の夜HMVで新しいアルバムのPRをするって聞いた?
Maxine: マジで! どこで聞いたの?
Keith: 今日、車で通勤途中にラジオで聞いたんだ。行ってみる?
Maxine: 行きた〜い! けど、早めに行ったほうがいいかもしれないね。きっと込むよ。
Keith: そうだね。
Maxine: エアロスミスは何時に出る予定なの?
Keith: 7時ごろ。
Maxine: えっと、今は5時でしょう。いい場所を取りたかったら、そろそろ行かないと。
Keith: うん。さっそく行こう!