Lesson 108
Work mates Simon and Lily are talking.
Work mates Simon and Lily are talking.
Lily: So, what did you do with your bonus Simon? Did you end up buying that guitar you had your heart set on?
Simon: No, I didn’t.
Lily: Why not? You’ve been wanting that guitar for ages, haven’t you? I thought you’d been saving for it.
Simon: Yeah, I had. And with the bonus we got yesterday, I had just enough money to get it. But when I went into the music shop to buy it, the shop assistant said it’d already been sold that morning.
Lily: Oh, no! After all the effort you put in stashing money away for it!
Simon: I’m kicking myself! I should have bought it with my credit card. It’s just that I didn’t want to owe money on it.
Lily: Well, there’s no use brooding over it. I’m sure you’ll find another guitar like it somewhere.
Simon: Yeah. I’ll just have to put the money aside until that happens.
Did you end up buying that guitar you had your heart set on?
"have one's heart set on〜"は、「憧れる、欲しい」という意味。 "fancy," "want," "yearn after" という言い方もあります。
ex: I have my heart set on him.
After all the effort you put in stashing money away for it.
"stash 〜 away"は、「蓄える、貯金する」という意味。同じ表現で"set aside," "put to one side," "hoard" という言い方もあります。
ex: He's been stashing food in case of a disaster.
I'm kicking myself!
"kicking oneelf"は「とても後悔している」という意味。
Well, there's no use brooding over it.
"brood over"は、「思い悩む」という意味。同じ意味で "worry," "mope," "dwell on," "fret," "feel sorry for yourself"などがあります。
Words & Phrases
Lily: サイモン、ボーナスはなにに使ったの? 憧れのあのギターを買ったとか?
Simon: いや、買わなかったよ。
Lily: えっ、どうして? ずっと前からあのギターを欲しかったんじゃない? 買うために貯金してきたんでしょ。
Simon: うん、してたよ。で、昨日もらったボーナスでちょうどその金額までたまったんだ。だけど、楽器屋に買いに行ったら、店員が、その日の朝に売れてしまったって言うんだ。
Lily: うっそー! 一生懸命お金を貯めたのに!
Simon: すごい後悔してるよ。クレジットカードで買うべきだったよ。ただ、借金したくなかったんだ。
Lily: ま、落ち込んでもしょうがないね。きっとどこかで同じようなギターが見つかるよ。
Simon: そうだね。見つかるまでお金を取っておくしかないよ。