Lesson 117
Max is going out to the store and is asking his wife Barb if she wants anything. What she wants is for Max to take the dog for a walk.
Max is going out to the store and is asking his wife Barb if she wants anything. What she wants is for Max to take the dog for a walk.
Max: Hey Barb, I’m going out to the store to get some snacks. Want anything?
Barb: No thanks. But, sweetie, will you do me a favour and take Pookie for a walk with you?
Max: I really, really don’t want to do that. Why do I have to take the dog for a walk?
Barb: Why is that a problem? We agreed to share the responsibility, right? Besides, I walked her yesterday.
Max: I know but…but…
Barb: But what?
Max: The dog hates me, Barb. The last time I took her for a walk she growled the whole time and attacked my pant leg. She ruined my favourite pants!
Barb: That’s ridiculous, Max. Pookie is so sweet.
(Max goes to the bedroom and comes back with a pair of pants)
Max: Oh Yeah! How sweet is this?!(shows Barb the torn pants)
Barb: Maybe you should just feed her then.
I really, really don't want to do that.
We agreed to share the responsibility, right?
We agreed to share the responsibility, right?
"responsibility"を"share"するで、責任を分担する。夫婦で家事を分担する現代、よく使う表現かもしれませんね。"share the burden"、とも言えますが、これはどちらかというと「(苦痛が伴う)義務」というニュアンスとなります。
She ruined my favourite pants!
ex: His heavy drinking habit ruined his health.
How sweet is this?!
ex: How smart are you?!
Maybe you should just feed her then.
feed" は「エサ、情報を与える」ということ。プーキーがズボンに噛み付いたのはお腹が減っていたから、という理由を作り出し、うまいジョークになっていますネ。
ex: Please feed me more information.
Words & Phrases
Max is going out to the store and is asking his wife Barb if she wants anything. What she wants is for Max to take the dog for a walk.
Max: なあ、バーバラ、お菓子でも買いに行ってくるけど、なんか欲しいのある?
Barb: いらないわ。でも、あなた、ちょっとお願いだけどプーキーを散歩に連れて行ってあげてくれない?
Marb: マジで、マジでヤダ。どうして僕が犬を散歩させなきゃなんないの?
Barb: なんの不満があるの? 責任は分け合うって決めたでしょ? それに、私は昨日散歩させたんだから。
Max: そうだけど、でも、でも、
Barb: でもなによ?
Max: その犬、僕のこと嫌ってんだよ。こないだ散歩させたときなんか、ずっと吠えつづけて、僕のズボンの脚に噛み付いたんだぜ! お気に入りのズボンを台無しにしてくれたんだよ!
Barb: バカ言わないで。プーキーはホントにかわいいのよ。
Max: あーそうかい! これでもかわいいのかい!? (バーバラにズタズタのズボンを見せ付ける)
Barb: エサをちゃんと与えてあげなさいって。