Lesson 122
Darryl and Nina are talking about a party neither of them want to attend.
Darryl and Nina are talking about a party neither of them want to attend.
Darryl: Did you get invited to Mason’s cocktail party next week?
Nina: Yeah, the invitation came in the mail yesterday. There’s no way I’m going to one of his parties again. The last one was torture!
Darryl: You’re telling me! Talking to Mason’s friends is like banging your head against a brick wall, they’re so snobby and opinionated!
Nina: You think so too? I thought it was just me! All his parties are the same: well-to-do lawyers and politicians looking down their noses at you and making you feel small.
Darryl: Yeah. I’m trying to think of a way out of it. Any bright ideas?
Nina: Well, I called Mason this afternoon and made up a little white lie about having to go and visit a friend from out of town.
Darryl: That’s an idea! Maybe I’ll do that too! What kind of cock and bull story call I tell him to get out of this?
Nina: How about telling him you have a wedding to go to or something?
Darryl: Sounds good to me. I’ll go and call him now!
The last one was torture!
ex: I just want to get a divorce! You've tortured me enough.
(ただ離婚したいのよ! あなたには十分苦しめられたわ)
You're telling me!
相手に賛同する決まり文句です。"You can say that again."、"Tell me about it."も同じ意味です。
Talking to Mason's friends is like banging your head against a brick wall.
"bang one's head against a brick wall"を直訳すると「瓦礫の壁に向かって頭を打つ」。そのイメージから、「無駄なこと、イヤなことを無理にしようとする」という意味になります。誰かに妨げられてやりたいことがなかなか出来ない状態のときに使うフレーズです。
ex: Trying to talk sense into her is like banging your head against a brick wall.
well-to-do lawyers and politicians looking down their noses at you and making you feel small.
"well-to-do"は「金持ち、裕福、生活の豊かな」という意味。"look down your nose at"は「軽蔑する」という意味。日本語でも「鼻にかける」なんて表現がありますネ。"feel small"は「小さい思いをする」から転じて「落ち込む、肩身の狭い思いをする、気がひける」。
ex: He is from a well-to-do family.
ex: She looks down her nose at teenagers.
ex: He ridiculed me and made me feel small.
Well, I called Mason this afternoon and made up a little white lie about having to go and visit a friend from out of town.
"make up"は「〜を作り出す」ということ。"made-up story(作り話)"という言葉があります。"a white lie"は「(悪意のない)ちょっとした嘘」という意味。反意語はもちろん"a black lie(たちの悪い嘘)"。
What kind of cock and bull story call I tell him to get out of this?
"cock and bull story" も "a white lie"と同じく「嘘」という意味。
ex: He fed me some cock and bull story about his car breaking down.
Words & Phrases
Darryl: 来週のメーソンのカクテル・パーティーに招待された?
Nina: うん、昨日招待状が届いたよ。もう二度と彼のパーティーなんか行かないよ。このまえのなんてホント辛かったわ。
Darryl: ホントそうだよな! メーソンの友だちと話すのなんてイヤだね、みんな偉ぶってて自分の意見ばっかまくし立てて。
Nina: ダリルもそう思う? わたしだけかと思った! 彼のパーティーっていつもそう。おカネもちの弁護士とか政治家にバカにされて、みじめな気持ちなっちゃうの。
Darryl: うん。なんとかして欠席する方法を考えなきゃね。なにかいいアイデアある?
Nina: わたしは今日メーソンに電話してちょっとハッタリかましてやったわ、町を出て友だちのところに遊びにいかなきゃいけないってね。
Darryl: そりゃいい考えだね! オレもそうしようかな! どういうウソをつければいいかな?
Nina: 結婚式に行かなくちゃならないとか言ってみたら?
Darryl: いいね。さっそく電話しよっと!