Lesson 148
Amy is talking to Greg about a presentation she has to give for work.
Amy is talking to Greg about a presentation she has to give for work.
Greg: Hey, Amy! Isn’t your big presentation this afternoon? How are you feeling?
Amy: I’m so nervous! I’ve never been able to get the hang of speaking in front of people. You remember what I was like at school.
Greg: Come on, you weren’t that bad!
Amy: I was too! And nothing has changed. I panic so much that I get all tongue-tied and can’t get the words out. Then my mind goes blank, and I start shaking and go all sweaty and end up making a fool of myself.
Greg: But you’re well prepared aren’t you? I took a look at the documents you printed up and they look great.
Amy: Yeah, but preparing presentation materials is a different kettle of fish to getting up and explaining your ideas to all those important people!
Greg: Well, as long as you don’t faint like Mary Kennedy did at the school speech competition all those years ago, you’ll be fine.
Amy: Greg, that wasn’t Mary Kennedy that fainted. That was me!
I've never been able to get the hang of speaking in front of people.
"get the hang of 〜"は、「〜に慣れる、〜のコツをつかむ」ということ。もっとカンタンに言えば、"get used to," "get accustomed to" と言いかえることもできますネ。
ex: I think I've got the hang of using my new computer now.
I panic so much that I get all tongue-tied and can't get the words out.
Then my mind goes blank, and I start shaking and go all sweaty and end up making a fool of myself.
"go blank"は、「空っぽになる」ということで、mind(頭の中)を主語に持ってくることで、「頭が真っ白になる」となります。
ex: When he asked me a question, my mind went blank.
Yeah, but preparing presentation materials is a different kettle of fish to getting up and explaining your ideas to all those important people!
"a different kettle of fish"は、「ぜんぜん違う物(人)」という意味。同じ意味を表す表現として、"something elese entirely," "another thing altogether," "quite another matter" という言い方もあります。
ex: Living alone is a different kettle of fish to living with your parents.
Words & Phrases
Greg: やあ、エイミー! キミの大事なプレゼンテーションは今日だよね?調子はどうだい?
Amy: かなりキンチョー! 人前で話すのはいつまでたっても慣れないわ。学生時代の私を覚えているでしょう?
Greg: えー、そんなにヒドクなかったよ!
Amy: ヒドかったわ! で、いまもおなじ。パニックしすぎて、舌がもつれて、言葉が出なくなるの。で、頭が真っ白になって、震え始めて、ヘンな汗をかいて、けっきょく恥をかくのよ。
Greg: でも、キチンと準備しただろう? キミが印刷していた資料をチラッと見たけど、素晴らしかったよ。
Amy: うん、でも説明会の資料を準備することは、お偉いさんの前に立って自分のアイディアを説明することとぜんぜん違うわ!
Greg: ま、むかし学校のスピーチコンテストでのメアリー・ケネディーみたいに失神しなければダイジョウブでしょう。
Amy: グレッグ、失神したのはメアリー・ケネディーじゃないわ。私よ!