Lesson 216
Esther and Jessie are talking about Valentines Day.
Esther and Jessie are talking about Valentines Day.
Esther: Do you have any plans for Valentines Day?
Jessie: Yeah, Ken and I are going to Breakers for a romantic dinner. I can’t wait!
Esther: Lucky. I wish I had someone to have a romantic dinner with.
Jessie: How long has it been since you and Sam broke up?
Esther: Nearly two years now. It’s about time I had some romance in my life again.
Jessie: Well, is there anyone else you have your eye on right now?
Esther: Well… to tell you the truth, there’s this guy at work…. He works in a different office but I talk to him occasionally.
Jessie: Well, why don’t you ask him out?
Esther: I can’t do that! He might already have a girlfriend! Anyway, he probably doesn’t like me like that.
Jessie: You won’t know unless you try. How are you going to get anywhere with him if you don’t take the plunge?
Esther: Hmmm. I guess. Let me think about it.
It's about time I had some romance in my life again.
"It is about time (that)〜"で、「もうそろそろ〜すべきときだ」という構文。that 節は「主語+仮定法過去」の形になります。あるいは、that 節の代わりにto不定詞がくる形もあります。
ex: I've been here four years and I think it's about time I went home to be with my wife.
is there anyone else you have your eye on right now?
"have one's eye on"は、文字通り「〜に目をつける、〜に注目する」という意味。
ex: If you have your eye on a career as a dentist, this program might be what you're looking for.
to tell you the truth, there's this guy at work…
"to tell you the truth,..."で、「実を言うと」。"as a matter of fact,..."も同じ意味です。
ex: To tell you the truth, I've been thinking a lot lately about quitting my job.
How are you going to get anywhere with him if you don't take the plunge?
"plunge"には「飛び込むこと」という意味があり、"take the plunge"で「思い切って〜する」となります。
ex: Just a few month ago, I took the plunge and started my own business.
Words & Phrases
Esther: バレンタインデーの予定はなんかある?
Jessie: うん、ケンとふたりでブレーカーズに行って、ロマンティックなディナーを食べる予定。待ちきれないわ!
Esther: いいわね。わたしにもロマンティックなディナーを共にする相手がいればなあ。
Jessie: サムと別れてどのくらい経つの?
Esther: 約2年。そろそろわたしにもまた恋があってもいい頃だわ。
Jessie: いま誰か気になる人とかいる?
Esther: うーん、じつは、会社の人でね・・・。オフィスは違うんだけど、たまに話しかけたりするんだ。
Jessie: じゃあ、その人をデートに誘ってみれば?
Esther: ムリよ! もうカノジョがいるかもしれないじゃない! とにかく、たぶんそんなふうには気にいってもらえないわ。
Jessie: やってみなきゃわからないでしょ。 イチかバチかアタックしなきゃ、彼とどこにも行けないわよ。
Esther: うーん。そうね。考えてみるわ。