Lesson 237
Leopold is looking for his slippers and asks his wife Audrey where they are.
Leopold is looking for his slippers and asks his wife Audrey where they are.
Leopold: Audrey, have you seen my albino camel-skin slippers?
Audrey: The Gucci ones?
Leopold: I had only the one set, dear? Why would I have an off-hand pair of albino camel-skin slippers?
Audrey: Oh, Leopold, darling, you spilled red wine on them, remember? They were ruined.
Leopold: Oh, right. How could I forget? Do you know if the Gucci store on 5th is still open?
Audrey: Possibly. Do you really need them that badly?
Leopold: Well, I have to say, they really are comfortable? I’m in such a mood to wear them.
Audrey: Well, if you must go, I guess it should be open for another hour or so.
Leopold: Righto. I’ll take the Benz, or maybe the Jag. Which do you think I should take?
Audrey: I’m sure you’ll figure it out, dear. Oh, will you get me some of my perfume while you’re there?
Leopold: Will do. Ta.
Why would I have an off-hand pair of albino camel-skin slippers?
"why would 〜?"は、仮定法を用いた反語表現で、「一体なぜ〜なのか?〜なんてありえない。」という意味を表わします。
ex: Why would you be willing to work so hard?
How could I forget?
I'm in such a mood to wear them.
"in a(the) mood to do 〜"で「〜したい気分である」。後に名詞を置く場合は"in a(the) mood for 〜"になります。"in no mood to/for 〜"では、「まったくその気がない」。
ex: Are you in the mood for a drink?
I'm sure you'll figure it out, dear.
"figure out"は、「(計算して)答えを出す、解決する、理解する」。"You figure it out."は「自分で答えを出せ」という意味で、自分には関係ない、他人にたよるな、と相手を突き放す意味合いが込められる場合があります。
ex: Stick with it, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually!
Words & Phrases
Leopold: オードリー、僕の白ラクダの革のスリッパ見なかった?
Audrey: グッチの?
Leopold: 僕のスリッパはそれだけだろ?安物の白ラクダ革のスリッパなんて要らないね。
Audrey: あら、レオポルド、あなた、あのスリッパには赤ワインを零してしまったでしょ、そうよね?ダメにしちゃったじゃない?
Leopold: ああ、そうだ。忘れるもんか。5番街のグッチの店、まだ開いてるかな?
Audrey: たぶんね。本当にそのスリッパがそんなに必要なの?
Leopold: まあ、そうなんだ、本当に履き心地がいいだろ? あれを履きたい気がするんだよ。
Audrey: まあ、どうしても行くのなら、あと1時間くらいは開いていると思うわ。
Leopold: よ〜し。ベンツかジャガーで行ってこよう。どっちがいいと思う?
Audrey: お好きにどうぞ。あ、ついでに私の香水も買ってきてもらえる?
Leopold: わかったよ。ありがとう。