Lesson 247
Melissa is complaining to her friend Eddie about the company she works at.
Melissa is complaining to her friend Eddie about the company she works at.
Eddie: So Melissa, how was your first day of work as a full-time employee of Carters Incorporated?
Melissa: Don’t talk to me about that company! I’m so annoyed with them!
Eddie: What happened? I thought you were looking forward to working there full time.
Melissa: Things were better when I was only there part time. The president is insisting I move into the city instead of commuting from home. I mean, what business is it of his where I live?
Eddie: Well, I guess you do live a good hour and a half’s drive away. Maybe he was concerned that you would get tired driving all that way every day.
Melissa: Huh! As if! Do you know how much it’s going to cost me to move to a new apartment? I’m going to have to pay real estate fees and bond, and moving trucks aren’t exactly cheap either. What’s worse, my pay is actually lower than it was when I was working part time!
Eddie: No way?! But you get full insurance cover and pension, right? That equals everything out doesn’t it?
Melissa: You wanna bet? I’m beginning to wish I stayed part-time!
how was your first day of work as a full-time employee of Carters Incorporated?
"full-time"は「常時の」という意味で、ここでは"employee"がうしろにきて「正社員」となります。反対に「パート」は、このダイアログのなかにも出てくる"part-time"。日本語の「アルバイト」は、ドイツ語の「働く」という意味で、英語では"part-time employee"、"part-timer"と表現します。
ex: The full time programme lasts one calendar year.
I mean, what business is it of his where I live?
ここでの"business"、通常の「ビジネス」とは微妙にニュアンスが違い、いわゆる"it's none of your business"や"mind your own business"(ともに「あんたには関係ないだろう!」という意味)という意味合いで使われています。
ex: What business is it of yours what I do?
As if!
ここでの"as if"は話し言葉で、なにかが正しくないことを強調する際に使われます。
That equals everything out doesn't it?
ex: The saving rate equals saving divided by income.
Words & Phrases
Eddie: で、メリッサ、カーターズ法人企業の正社員としての初日はどうだった?
Melissa: あの会社の話はしないで!すごくムカついているの!
Eddie: どうしたの? 正社員になるのを楽しみにしてただろう。
Melissa: パートの時のほうがよかったわ。社長が言うのよ、実家から通うんじゃなくて、市内に引っ越せって。私が住むところが彼になんの関係あるのって感じ。
Eddie: 車で1時間半ぐらい離れたところに住んでるからね。毎日長距離運転したら疲れるだろうって心配してたんじゃない?
Melissa: ハッ! そんなわけないよ! 新しいアパートへ引っ越すのにいくらかかるか知ってる? 仲介費や敷金も払わなければならないし、引越しのトラックを借りるのも安くないわ。しかも最悪なのは、バイトの時より、今の給料の方が安いの!
Eddie: マジで?でも保険の完全補償や年金が差し引いているだろう? だったら前とほぼ同じじゃない?
Melissa: 冗談でしょっ!パートのままのほうが良かったって後悔してるわ!