つかえる英会話Daily / Travel

Lesson 248 中級

In Stitches

Georgia and Marcus are talking about their friend Colin's debut as a stand-up comedian.



Georgia and Marcus are talking about their friend Colin's debut as a stand-up comedian.

Georgia: How was Colin’s debut last night, Marcus?

Marcus: It was great! He had the audience in stitches the whole time he was on stage.

Georgia: That’s a relief to hear. He always has us splitting our sides, but I was a bit worried about whether the rest of the world shared our sense of humour or not!

Marcus: Well, judging by the reception he got last night, he is well on the way to making a name for himself. Look at the review he got in this morning’s paper!

Georgia: Hey, he made it into the paper! Wow, the writer sure has given him a rave review. I wish I could have been there.

Marcus: Well, don’t worry, the club has signed him up. He’s on again next Friday night.

Georgia: Cool! I’ll be there for sure!



He had the audience in stitches the whole time he was on stage.

"in stitches"は「笑いが止まらない」という意味のインフォーマルな表現です。
ex: This movie kept me in stitches.

That's a relief to hear.

"relief"は、「ホッとすること、不安を一掃すること」。野球の「リリーフ」はこのニュアンスでできた用語と思われます。ここでは"It's such a relief to hear that"と言い換えることもできます。

He always has us splitting our sides

"split one's sides (laughing)"で、「(腹がひきちぎれるほど)大笑いする」という意味。ニュアンスはなんとなく伝わってきますね。
ex: I've split my sides laughing at his irrelevant articles.

the writer sure has given him a rave review.

ex: His second album won a rave review from Billboard Magazine.

Words & Phrases






Georgia: マーカス、昨日はコリンのデビューはどうだった?

Marcus: サイコウだったよ!コリンがステージに立ってた間、ずっと観客が大笑いしてたよ。

Georgia: それを聞いてホッとしたよ。いつも私たちを大笑いさせてくれるけど、世の中は私たちと同じユーモアのセンスがあるかどうかちょっと心配だったの!

Marcus: ま、昨日のウケから判断すれば、彼は人気上昇中!今朝の新聞で書かれた批評を読んでみ!

Georgia: わー、新聞に載ってるんだ!すごい、この記者は絶賛してるね。行きたかったなぁ。

Marcus: 心配しないで、クラブと契約を結んだよ。来週の金曜日の夜にまた出るよ。

Georgia: やった!絶対行くわ!