Lesson 257
Peter has just left his friend, Wendy's, apartment. However, much to her surprise he soon returns.
Peter has just left his friend, Wendy's, apartment. However, much to her surprise he soon returns.
Wendy: Peter, what’s wrong? I thought you left.
Peter: Someone stole my bike.
Wendy: What?!
Peter: Yeah, I went down stairs and walked around to the garage, and when I got there, it was gone. At first, I thought maybe I put it someplace else, but then I noticed my lock lying on the ground, broken.
Wendy: That’s too bad. This neighbourhood seems to be really bad for that. One of my friends, who lives in the building, had his bike stolen right out of the garage last week.
Peter: Really? Well, this sucks. I needed my bike to get to work tomorrow. I guess I’ll have to take the bus.
Wendy: Well, you can borrow my bike if you want to. I have my car, so I really don’t need it.
Peter: Are you sure?
Wendy: Yeah, it’s not a problem. Just be sure to lock it up in a place safe.
Peter: I’ll take extra special care of it.
Wendy: All right. Well, the keys are on the rack by the door.
Peter: Thanks, Wendy. I’ll see you later.
One of my friends, who lives in the building, had his bike stolen right out of the garage last week.
"have something done"の形で、「誰かに〜される、〜がなされるように(自分で)手配する」という意味の構文。ポイントは、行為("done")を行うのは主語ではなく誰か別の人、ということです。
ex: I had my hair cut.
Well, this sucks.
ex: He sucks!
Well, you can borrow my bike if you want to.
"if you want to"は、文字通り「もしあなたが望むなら」。こういうフレーズをさりげなく使えるようになると、会話の幅も広がります。
ex: You can come if you want to, but once you come, you can't go back.
Words & Phrases
Wendy: ピーター、どうしたの? もう帰ったのかと思ったわ。
Peter: 自転車が盗まれたんだ。
Wendy: えっ!
Peter: うん、下に降りてガレージまで歩いていったら、なくなってたんだ。どこか別の場所に置いたっけなあともおもったんだけど、下を見たら自転車の錠が落ちてたんだ、壊れてね。
Wendy: 最悪じゃない。この周辺って、ホントそういうこと多いみたいよ。わたしの友達も、このビルに住んでるんだけど、先週ガレージの外で自転車を盗まれたんだって。
Peter: マジで? ムカツクよな。明日仕事に行くのに自転車が必要だってのに。バスを使うしかないな。
Wendy: もしよかったら、わたしの自転車を貸すわよ。わたし車があるから、あんまり使ってないのよ。
Peter: ほんとにいいの?
Wendy: うん、いいわよ。ただ、安全な場所でしっかりカギをかけてね。
Peter: 最大限注意するよ。
Wendy: わかったわ。カギはドアのそばの棚にあるから。
Peter: ありがとう、ウェンディー。じゃ、またね。