Lesson 289
Kevin is talking to his roommate, Rachel. He is fed up with the way his friend and his friend's girlfriend carry on when they're together.
Kevin is talking to his roommate, Rachel. He is fed up with the way his friend and his friend's girlfriend carry on when they're together.
Kevin: I was out with Dana and Tim last night.
Rachel: Oh, yeah.
Kevin: You know, I really don’t like hanging out with them sometimes.
Rachel: What do mean? Tim’s one of your best friends.
Kevin: It’s not that. I mean, I like them and all. It’s just that…
Rachel: Just what?
Kevin: They’re so lovey-dovey together it makes me sick. All the stupid names they call each other and long, meaningful gazes they give each other.
Rachel: I think it’s cute.
Kevin: You would.
Rachel: What’s that supposed to mean?
Kevin: Nothing. It’s just that girls like that kind of thing. I’m a guy. This stuff doesn’t interest me.
Rachel: You know, girls appreciate that kind of attention sometimes.
Kevin: I think a little bit of that is okay, but those two just go overboard with it.
Rachel: Well maybe you could learn something from them.
Kevin: I doubt it.
Rachel: Really, well, remind me, Kevin, how long have you been single?
Kevin: Six months.
Rachel: Nothing to learn, huh?
Kevin: Whatever. It’s called a dry spell.
Rachel: Whatever you say.
I really don't like hanging out with them sometimes.
"hang out"は、ブラブラ出かけて気ままに過ごす、という感じを表します。"hang out with someone"は「(人)と一緒に過ごす」ということ。
ex: Why don't we hang out tonight?
those two just go overboard with it.
"go overboard "は熟語で「度を越す、極端すぎる、行き過ぎる」という意味。ちなみに"go overboard"は、「船外に」という意味の副詞です。"overdo"と言い換えることも出来ます。
ex: Have fun but don't go overboard!
I doubt it
ex) I doubted my own eyes.
In spite of his assurances, I still doubt him.
Whatever you say.
"Whatever you say"で、話し手の無関心を表す表現。「どうでもいい」というニュアンスです。直前の Kevin がのように"Whatever."だけでも同じ意味合いです。
Words & Phrases
Kevin: ゆうべ、ダナとティムと一緒に出かけたんだけどさ。
Rachel: そうなんだ。
Kevin: っていうかさ、あのふたりと一緒にいるとホント嫌になるときがあるよ。
Rachel: どういうこと? ティムは親友のひとりでしょ?
Kevin: そういうことじゃないんだ。ふたりのことはキライじゃないよ。たださ・・・。
Rachel: ただ何?
Kevin: あのふたりラブラブすぎて、みてると気持ち悪くなっちゃうんだ。アホっぽい名前でお互い呼び合ったり、意味ありげに見つめあったり。
Rachel: カワイイじゃない。
Kevin: キミはそう思うだろうな。
Rachel: それってどういうことよ?
Kevin: べつに。まあ女の子はそういうことが好きだってことさ。でもオレは男だ。そういうことにはぜんぜん興味ないね。
Rachel: あのね、女の子はそうやって優しく扱われたいときもあるのよ。
Kevin: ちょっとくらいならOKだろうけど、あのふたりはやり過ぎだって。
Rachel: あなたもあのふたりからなにか学べるかもよ。
Kevin: ムリだろ。
Rachel: 忘れちゃったけど、あんたは彼女いない歴どれくらいだっけ?
Kevin: 6ヶ月だけど。
Rachel: それでなにも学べないの?
Kevin: どうでもいいじゃん。乾燥期間っていうんだけどね。
Rachel: もう、どうでもいいわ。