Lesson 298
Peter and Julie have been going out for a year and live together. It is Friday night and they are talking about renting a movie for the night.
Peter and Julie have been going out for a year and live together. It is Friday night and they are talking about renting a movie for the night.
Peter: What shall we do tonight?
Julie: I’m absolutely exhausted from work, so I don’t feel like doing too much. How about we rent a movie?
Peter: Sure, I’d like that. What do you want to get? Ah! ‘Home of Horror 2’ is out. Do you want to get that?
Julie: No way! ‘Home of Horror 1’ scared the hell out of me! I couldn’t sleep at all after that!
Peter: Oh come on! It wasn’t that bad!
Julie: Oh yes it was! How about a comedy or something?
Peter: Hmm, ok. I’ll have to save ‘Home of Horror 2’ for another day.
Julie: Yes – and a day when I’m not around!
I'm absolutely exhausted from work
"be exhausted"で、「クタクタ」。"tired"よりもさらに疲れの度合いがひどく、肉体的・精神的に疲れきってしまい何もする気力も残っていない状態を表現します。
ex: I'm exhausted…I'm at the end of my rope.
No way!
"No way!"で、「絶対やだ、ダメ」という強い否定や、「まさか!」という驚きを表現します。正確には"there's no way (that) 〜"の形となります。似たいみの表現では、"Not on your life"、"You've got to be kidding!" "Get off!"など。
ex: There's no way that he will go to the party if she is there.
'Home of Horror 1' scared the hell out of me!
「'Home of Horror 1'でかなりビビったんだよ!」
"scare"は「〜を怖がらせる」。さらに強調したい場合は、このように"scare the hell out of me" "scare the life out of me"の形を使います。インフォーマルな表現。"be scared to death"も同じ意味です。
ex: Demons scared the hell out of me when I was a little kid .
I'll have to save 'Home of Horror 2' for another day.
「Home of Horror 2'はまた別の日にとっておこう」
"save 〜 for another day"で、「〜を別の日に行う、別の日にとっておく」。
Words & Phrases
Peter and Julie have been going out for a year and live together. It is Friday night and they are talking about renting a movie for the night.
Peter: 今日の夜はどうする?
Julie: 仕事でクタクタだから、あんまり遊びたくはないな。映画を借りるのはどう?
Peter: いいね。なにがいい? あ、’Home of Horror 2’が出てるよ。それ借りる?
Julie: ゼッタイやだ! ’Home of Horror 1’でかなりビビったんだよ!観たあとぜんぜん眠れなかったんだから。
Peter: いいじゃん! そんなにヒドくはなかったでしょ。
Julie: ヒドかったよ! コメディーとかどう?
Peter: んー、いいよ。’Home of Horror 2’はまた別の日にとっておこう。
Julie: そうしてちょうだい。あたしがいないときにね!