Lesson 300
Tom and Kyoko have been going out for a few months. They are having a slight argument about meeting on the weekends.
Tom and Kyoko have been going out for a few months. They are having a slight argument about meeting on the weekends.
Tom: Look, it’s just that you always spend every weekend with Lucy and I only get to see you in the week.
Kyoko: I know, but Lucy is out of town during the week and I can only see her on the weekend. She is my best friend.
Tom: I know, I know; and I know she is very important to you and I think you should see her often. I really like Lucy too. It’s just that, it’d be nice if I could see you on the weekend once in a while. We’re both pretty tired in the week and we’d have more time to do stuff on the weekend.
Kyoko: Yeah, I know. Hmm… . To be honest, I’d like to see you sometimes on the weekend too. And I do think it would be good for us. I’ll make an effort to arrange some weekends with you.
Tom: Thanks. I’d really appreciate it.
Look, it's just that you always spend every weekend with Lucy
"It's just that 〜"は、「〜がちょっと気になったから」とか「だって〜だから」と、軽く言い訳するときに使う表現です。
ex: It's just that I wanted to have a quiet night tonight.
I only get to see you in the week
ここでの"get to 〜"は、あとに動詞が続いて「〜できる機会を得る、〜する状態になる」という意味です。
It's just that, it'd be nice if I could see you on the weekend once in a while.
"once in a while,"は「たまに」というフレーズ。 "occasionally,""sometimes" "once in a while," "every now and then," "every so often."と言い換えることもできます。
ex: I like to bet on the horses once in a while.
I'll make an effort to arrange some weekends with you.
"effort"は「努力」ですね。「努力をする」だと、"put in an effort"、"make an effort"となります。
ex: I usually did my homework and made an effort to get good marks.
Tom: なあ、週末はいつもルーシーと会ってるだろ。僕と会えるのは平日だけじゃないか。
Kyoko: そうだけど、ルーシーは平日いつも町から出てて、会えるのは週末だけなのよ。あたしの親友だし。
Tom: そう、そうだよな。ルーシーが大切だっていうのは分かるし、ちょくちょく会うべきとも思うよ。ぼくもルーシーのことは好きだし。ただ、たまには僕とも週末に会ってほしいんだ。平日はいつもお互い疲れてるけど、週末なら時間かけていろいろできるし。
Kyoko: うん、そうね。んー・・・。正直いうとね、あたしもたまには週末にあなたと会いたいのよ。それがお互いにとっていいことだしね。あなたと週末会えるように、なんとかしてみるわ。
Tom: ありがとう。そうしてくれると嬉しいよ。