Lesson 318
Cathy and Greg are talking about an old classmate, Darren.
Cathy and Greg are talking about an old classmate, Darren.
C: Did you get an invitation to our high school reunion?
G: Yeah, it came in the mail last week. It’ll be interesting
to see how everyone has changed after twenty years.
C: I know! Reading the names of the reunion committee members
on the invitation sure brought back memories. Of course
Suzy Brown had to be chairperson. She always had to be in
charge of everything.
G: Yeah, but she always knew how to throw a good party.
C: True. I was a bit surprised to see Darren Cronshaw’s name
there though. Social events never used to be his thing.
G: Darren Cronshaw? That name doesn’t ring any bells.
C: Oh you remember Darren! You know, greasy hair, bad skin the
anemic looking weedy guy who used to hang out by himself all
the time.
G: Oh! Dung-face Darren! Now I remember! I’d sure like to see
what he’s like now!
Reading the names of the reunion committee members on the Reading the names of the reunion committee members on the invitation sure brought back memories.
"〜 bring back memories"は直訳すると「〜がいろいろな思い出を思い出させる」という意味で、懐かしいものに出会ったときに使われる表現です。
ex: These photos bring back memories.
She always had to be in charge of everything.
"in charge of 〜"は熟語で「〜を担当する、〜の責任をもつ」。
動詞だと"take charge of"。似たような意味で"be responsible for"や"take care of"という言い方もあります。
ex: Who's in charge of US policy in Iraq?
Social events never used to be his thing.
"one' thing"で、「〜のもの」。物理的な意味でも使われますが、このように空間的な意味合いでも使われ、便利な表現です。
That name doesn't ring any bells.
"ring a bell"で「思い当たることがある、ピンとくる」。文字通り「ベルが鳴る」から転じて、よく漫画でなにか思い出したときに描かれる「ピンポーン!」という感じです。
ex: Even if her name doesn't ring a bell, you probably already know her face.
Words & Phrases
C: 高校の同窓会の招待届いた?
G: うん、先週手紙がきたよ。みんなが20年でどれくらい変わったか楽しみだ
C: だよね! 同窓会の招待状に書かれてた幹事の名簿をみてると、懐かしい
G: うん、でも彼女はどうやったら良い会になるかって分かってるよ。
C: だね。でもダレン・クロンシャウの名前が載っててちょっとビックリした
G: ダレン・クロンシャウ? 名前がピンとこないなあ。
C: 覚えてるハズだよ! ベタベタした髪で、肌が荒れてて、元気がなくて
G: あー! ウンコのダレン! 思い出した! あいつがいまどうなってるか、