Lesson 325
Troy's mother discovers that Troy has done something against her wishes.
Troy's mother discovers that Troy has done something against her wishes.
M: Troy, is that you? I thought you were going out after your
lectures today.
T: Yeah, Andrew’s waiting outside in the car. I just came to get
a sweatshirt. It’s a bit chilly tonight.
M: Troy, what is that on your arm?
T: What? Oh, it’s nothing Mum.
M: That’s not nothing, Troy! Show me!
T: Mum! I told you, it’s nothing.
M: Is that a tattoo, Troy? It is, isn’t it?! What did your father
and I tell you about getting a tattoo?
T: Mum, I’m old enough to decide for myself whether I can get one
or not.
M: Not while you live under this roof, you’re not! Who do you think
pays to put clothes on your back and food on your plate?! We told
you expressly that we were against you getting a tattoo! You wait
until your father gets home! He’s going to kill you!
I thought you were going out after your lectures today.
“go out" には、さまざまな意味がありますが、ここでは、「外出する」の意味になる。その他、よく使われるのは、“go out with〜" 「〜と付き合う、〜と交際する」、電気が切れることは、“lights go out"、服などが流行しなくなることも "go out" で表現する。
ex: We're going out for dinner tonight. Would you like to join us?
What did you father and I tell you about getting a tattoo?
“Not while" はここでは、名詞として使用されていて、「〜している間はだめ」という意味になります。Whileを使ったイディオムとして、“for a while"「しばらく」、“after a while" 「しばらくして」、“a long while" 「長い間」、“In a while!" 「じゃ、またね!」などがあります。
ex:“Do you think I should offer Sara one of these doughnuts too?"
“Not while she's on her diet, I wouldn't."
Who do you think pays to put clothes on your back and food on your plate?!
“put clothes on" で、「服を着る」の意味になります。"clothes"の代わりに他の服類の名前を入れて使うことができる。反対語の「服を脱ぐ」は、“take clothes off " になります。
ex: Hurry up and put your jacket on!
M:トロイ、あなたなの? 今日は授業の後、出かけるんじゃなかったの?
T:何? 何でもないよ、母さん。
M:何でもなくないでしょ、トロイ! 見せなさい!
T:母さん! 言ったじゃん、何でもないって。
M:これは入れ墨じゃないの、トロイ? そうね、そうでしょ?! 入れ墨を