Lesson 340
Eric has just come home, tired, after a day of work to be greeted by his talkative wife Nicky.
Eric has just come home, tired, after a day of work to be greeted by his talkative wife Nicky.
N: Hi darling. How was your day?
E: Well…
N: You know, I had such a busy day! After taking the kids to school
this morning, I went into town to pay the gas bill, and you’ll
never guess who I ran into! Greer Wilson! Do you remember Greer
Wilson? You know, the one who always makes that wonderful
Chocolate Mousse every year for the school fair ? and she was
telling me that her cousin Leah has just moved back here with her
new husband ? they got married last year, you see ? and we got to
talking and I realized that Leah used to live two doors down from
me when I was a kid! Do you believe that?
E: You don’t say…
N: It’s been years since I saw Leah. She moved away when I was
about eight and I always wondered what happened to her. Imagine
my surprise when Greer told me they were cousins! Anyway, we’re
going to all meet up for lunch next week. It’s going to be so
much fun! Well, anyway, did you have a good day?
E: Fine.
N: That’s good. Dinner’s almost ready so could you go and call
the kids, there’s a sweetie.
E: Yeah, yeah.
you'll never guess who I ran into!
「run into」で、「偶然出会う、ひょっこり会う」という表現。予期せずに会うということを表すときに使う。
「you'll never guess」で、「あなたに思いつきっこない」。上の表現と合わせて使うことで、全く意外な人物に出会ったことを表現している。
ex. I ran into my old primary school teacher the other day.
You'll never guess what happened today!
Imagine my surprise when Greer told me they were cousins!
「imagine my surprise〜」で、〜以下のことがどれほど驚いたかを伝える表現になる。
ex. I hadn't talked to him for three years, so imagine my surprise when he called!(彼に、3年間も話しもしなかったから、彼から電話がきた時の私の驚きを想像してみてよ!)
we're going to all meet up for lunch next week.
「meet up」で「落ち合う」というニュアンスを感じさせている。"get together"という言い方もある。
ex. I'm going to meet up with Jemima after the exam and we're going to a movie.
N: ハイ、ダーリン。今日はどうだった?
E: ああ…
N: あのね、私はとても忙しかったわ!今朝、子供たちを学校へ送りだした
E: ああ、そう…
E: 良かったよ。
N: それは良かったわね。夕食の準備はまもなく出来るわ。子供たちを呼んで
E: はいはい。