Lesson 348
Victoria and her boyfriend Chris are talking about Victoria's nine-year-old niece Britney, who has come to stay with Victoria for the weekend.
Victoria and her boyfriend Chris are talking about Victoria's nine-year-old niece Britney, who has come to stay with Victoria for the weekend.
C: Gosh, hasn’t Britney grown! Last time I saw her, she was only
this high!
V: She’s turned into a real handful though. Honestly, I’ve only
been watching her for three hours and I’m ready to tear my hair
out. She may not look it, but she’s got a real bossy streak.
C: No way! But I always thought she was so sweet.
V: You should see her when she doesn’t get her own way. She can
throw a real whopper of a tantrum can that one.
C: Is she that bad? You’d think with all the nannies that Olivia
and Sean have hired to look after her she’d have a bit of
V: I think that’s half the problem. They both spoil her to death.
From what Olivia tells me, she tries to curb Britney’s bad
behaviour but they always end up in a shouting match, and Sean’s
no help. He dotes on her. In his eyes, Britney can do no wrong.
C: Wow. Sounds like she could do with a good smack, if you ask me.
Let’s hope she doesn’t go off the rails when she gets older.
Honestly, I've only been watching her for three hours and I'm ready to tear my hair out.
“tear one's hair out" は、「頭を掻きむしる、イライラする」の意味のイディオム。 Tear の代わりにPullでも大丈夫。
ex. I'm tearing my hair out over this essay!
She can throw a real whopper of a tantrum can that one.
“throw a tantrum" で、「むっとする、駄々をこねる、かんしゃくを起す」の意味になる。
“whopper" は、ここでは、「どでかいもの」という意味。また、「大嘘」の意味もあり、"tell a whopper"「大うそをつく」も使われる表現。この文中に、can が2つ出てくるが、後ろのcan that oneは彼女のことを指し、「本当にね、彼女は。」と繰り返し言うことによって、強調を表している。
ex. He threw a tantrum when he dropped his ice cream.
That's a whopper of a fish!
He dotes on her.
“dote" は、「もうろくする、ぼける」という意味ですが、“dote on 〜" になると、「〜を溺愛する」になる。
ex. They dote on their grandchildren.
Let's hope she doesn't go off the rails when she gets older.
“go off the rails" はここでは、「道を踏み外す、おかしくなる、はめを外す」のイディオム。
また、そのまま「列車などが脱線する」という意味でも使います。go の代わりにcome、runでも大丈夫です。その他、"on the rails"「軌道に乗って」、"jump the rails" 「脱線する」も合わせて覚えておくと便利。
ex. When she fell in with the wrong crowd, she went off the rails.
C: おおっ、ブリットニー大きくなったな! 前に彼女を見たときは、これ
V: 彼女、本当に手に負えないんだけどね。3時間くらいしか面倒見てない
C: うそだろ!いつも愛らしく見えたけど。
V: 自分の思い通りにいかない時の彼女を見るべきよ。半端じゃなくかんし
C: そんなに悪いの?オリビアとショーンがいろいろ考えて、彼女の面倒を
V: 私、それが半分問題じゃないかと思ってるの。彼ら、死ぬほどブッリッ
C: へえ。僕に言わせてもらえば、お尻をペンペンすることで、どうにかなり