Lesson 381
Lily is a little angry at some something her friend Ron mentions to her.
Lily is a little angry at some something her friend Ron mentions to her.
R: Hey Lily, congratulations!
L: Hey, Ron. What are you talking about?
R: Huh? You’re going to have a baby, right? That’s what Gemma
told us anyway.
L: She what?! When?
R: Earlier today at our office lunch. What? Does this mean you’re
not pregnant?
L: Well, I am but Gemma was supposed to keep mum about it. Sean and
I wanted to wait until our 12 week scan to make sure everything
was OK before we announced it to everybody.
R: Oh, I see. So when were you going to tell everyone?
L: Not for another two weeks. Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted
Gemma. Every secret I’ve ever entrusted her with she’s blabbed
to the world.
R: Don’t be so hard on her, Lily. I’m sure she’s just proud that
her little sister is going to be a mother. Besides, you were going
to announce it soon anyway. Two weeks isn’t going to make that
much difference, right?
L: Well, I guess it’s too late now. If she’s told you guys, then
it looks as though the cat is well and truly out of the bag.
Well, I am but Gemma was supposed to keep mum about it.
“mum" は、名詞で「沈黙、口をつぐむこと」という意味。“keep (stay) mum about 〜"では、「〜について黙っている」というイディオムになる。
その他、mumを使った表現は、“mum as a mouse"「だんまり、むっつりで」、“Mum's the word!" 「秘密だよ!多言無用!」などもあるので、覚えておくと便利でしょう。
Ex. Now remember everybody, mum's the word!
Every secret I've ever entrusted her with she's blabbed to the world.
“blab to 〜" で「〜にしゃべりまくる、〜にぶちまける」という意味。
“blab" は、名詞で「おしゃべりをする人」、動詞では「ベラベラしゃべる、くだらないことをしゃべる」という意味になる。また、"blab out"は「秘密などをうっかりもらす」というイディオムになる。
Ex. Why did you have to blab the news to everyone?
Don't be so hard on her, Lily.
“be hard on 〜" は「〜につらくあたる、〜にきびしくする」という意味のイディオム。その他、“Don't be hard on 〜" 「お手やわらかに」、“Don't be hard on yourself" 「そんなに思いつめないで」という表現もある。
また、反対の “be soft on (about)〜" は、「〜に甘い、寛大な、〜に恋している」という意味になる。
Ex. He is a strict teacher who is always hard on his students.
If she's told you guys, then it looks as though the cat is well and truly out of the bag.
“the cat it well and truly out of the bag" は、「秘密がばれる、秘密がもれる」という意味のイディオムで。Well and truly は特に強調したい時につける。
Ex. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I guess they'll be announcing their engagement officially.
R:えっ? 赤ちゃん出来たんだよね? ジェマがそう言ってたけど。
L:彼女が?! いつ?
R:午前中、お昼休みの時に。ええっ? じゃあ、妊娠してないってこと?