Lesson 388
Chris notices his friend Dayna is looking unhappy.
Chris notices his friend Dayna is looking unhappy.
C: Hey Dayna! Where have you been? I was looking out for you at lunchtime but you weren’t in the cafeteria.
D: Yeah I know. I didn’t really feel like eating lunch.
C: You’re down in the mouth today. What’s eating you?
D: I got a D for my Linguistics presentation. I worked so hard on it, I was sure I’d get at least a B for it.
C: You’re kidding?! That was a great presentation! How could Phibbs give you such a crappy grade?
D: Beats me. Maybe it has something to do with me arguing with her about the homework assignment the other day.
C: No, surely she wouldn’t sink that low. But don’t worry. That grade isn’t the be all and end all. It was only 5% of the total course grade. You’ll make it up somewhere else.
D: Yeah, I hope so. I need good grades for this course if I want to graduate with honours.
You're down in the mouth today.
“down in the mouth" で「意気消沈して、しょげて、元気なく、気がふさいで、不機嫌で、憂鬱になって、ふさぎ込む」という意味のイディオム。
Ex. She's been down in the mouth since her cat died.
What's eating you?
ここでの"eat"は、「むしばまれる」という意味で使われていて、“what's eating you?" は「何を困った顔しているの?どうしたの?何かあったの?」などの意味を表す。
Ex. You've been in a bad mood all day. What's eating you?
That's grade isn't the be all and end all.
“be all and end all" は、「最も大切なもの、最大の目的、肝心要の部分・物」という意味のイディオムになる。
Ex. Losing this game is not the be all and end all. There's still next week.
You'll make it up somewhere else.
“make it up" で「埋め合わせをする」という意味。Make it up の後に to/for が付くと、「埋め合わせをする、人につぐないをする、人とやり直す」という表現になり、with が付くと「仲直りをする、和解する」という意味になる。
Ex.“You missed three classes today."
“It's OK, I'll make it up tomorrow."
C:うそだろ?! あのプレゼンすごくよかったのに! なんでフィブスはそんなひどい成績つけたんだ?