Lesson 394
Greg meets up with an old friend Kim. He hasn't seen Kim since high school.
Greg meets up with an old friend Kim. He hasn't seen Kim since high school.
G: Greg
K: Kim
G: Kim! Kim Morrison! Is that you?
K: Greg! Hey, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in years!
G: I think the last time we met was the year after we left high
school, at Paula’s wedding, right?
K: That’s right! Wow, that was over four years ago. So, what are
you doing now?
G: Well, I graduated from university last year with my law degree so
I’ve come back here and started to work at a law firm downtown.
K: Wow! It sounds like you’re doing really well.
G: Well, I’ve only just started, but I’m really enjoying it. So,
how about you Kim? Last I heard you were working as a
receptionist at a doctor’s surgery.
K: Yeah, I was but the doctor suddenly decided to move to Australia
a couple of months ago, so we were all let go. I’m on the dole
G: That’s kinda rough, huh? Any luck on the job-hunting front?
K: No, unfortunately. There’s not a lot out there at the moment.
G: Hey, I just had a thought! One of our secretaries is leaving at
the end of the month and my boss is looking for someone to take
her place. If you’re interested, I could have a word with him.
K: Would you really? That would be great! Thanks Greg. I’m glad
I bumped into you!
I've come back here and started to work at a law firm downtown.
“downtown" で「町の中心部、商業地区、都心、繁華街」という意味に
なる。 アメリカンイングリッシュでは、“downtown" は町の中心部で、
“uptown" は中心部から離れた住宅地区になる。“downtown" の他に
“city centre" という呼び方もある。
Ex. When is the next bus downtown?
the doctor suddenly decided to move to Australia a couple of months ago, so we were all let go.
“let go" は、色々な意味があるが、ここでは「解雇される」という
Ex. We've run out of money so I'm afraid we're going to have to
let our staff go.
Any luck on the job-hunting front?
“〜 front" で「〜の状況」という意味になる。「〜」の部分は名詞になる。
Ex. Any change on the marriage front?
G:キム! キム・モリソン! 君だよね?
K:グレッグ! わぁ、元気だったの? 久しぶりだね!
K:そうね! わぁ、それはもう4年も前のことね。それで、今何してるの?
K:すごーい! うまくいってるようね。
G:それは大変だね? 仕事探しはうまくいってるの?
G:あ、今思い出したけど! 職場の秘書が一人月末に辞める予定で、上司
K:え、そうしてくれるの? 嬉しいわ! ありがとう、グレッグ。会えて