Lesson 426
Dean is calling an ad agency to speak to the person in charge of handling an advertising campaign for his company. He is surprised when he finds out that his contact has quit.
Dean is calling an ad agency to speak to the person in charge of handling an advertising campaign for his company. He is surprised when he finds out that his contact has quit.
D: Dean
C: Claire (Receptionist)
C: Good afternoon. Image is Everything Advertising, Claire speaking.
How may I direct your call?
D: Hi, my name is Dean Meyer from Trendy Athletic Wear.
C: Oh, hi. How’s it going?
D: Uh, it’s going fine. Thanks. Can I speak to Frank Cross?
C: Frank Cross?
D : Yeah. Is he there?
C: Actually, Don ?
D: It’s Dean.
C: Dean, right. Anyway, about Frank, he sort of quit the other day.
D: What do you mean sort of?
C: Well, he just kind of up and left without saying anything.
D: Is that so? Well, he was working on an ad campaign for my company
and he was supposed to give us a presentation at our headquarters
thirty minutes ago.
C: Ooh, I don’t think that’s going to happen, Dean.
D: Well, can I at least speak to the person that’s taken over for
him, please?
C: You know I’m not sure if anyone’s taken over Frank’s accounts. We
were sort of waiting to see if he’d come back?I can check and
see though.
D: Don?t bother.
C: Okay. Well, thanks for calling. You have a nice day.
Anyway, about Frank, he sort of quit the other day.
"anyhow","anyways","any rate"などがある。"anywho",
ex: Anyway, we'd better get going.
Well, he just kind of up and left without saying anything.
"up and left"は"pack up and left",“pick up and left","got
up and left"を短くしたもので、「荷物をまとめて出て行く、さっさ
ex: John arrived home from work one night to find his wife had
upped and left.
You know I'm not sure if anyone's taken over Frank's accounts.
"take over"は「(仕事の)後任になる、引き継ぐ、譲り受ける」と
ex: I'll be taking over from Sally when she quits next month.
C: Image is Everything Advertising、クレアでございます。 どちらに
D: Trendy Athletic Wear の、 ディーン メイヤーと申します。
C: あら、お元気ですか?
D: ええ、元気ですよ。ありがとう。フランク・クロスさんにつないで頂け
C: フランク・クロスですか?
D : ええ、いらっしゃいますか?
C: 実は、ドン・・・
D: ディーンです。
C: ディーン、そうでした。とにかく、フランク のことですけど、先日辞め
D: みたいってどういうことですか?
C: はい、何も言わずに出て行ったみたいなんです。
D: そうですか? いや、彼は弊社の広告キャンペーンで働いていて、30分前
C: まあ、それは無理だと思いますよ、ディーンさん。
D: そうですか、せめて彼の後任者と話をさせてもらえませんか?
C: うーん、誰がフランクのお客様を対応しているかどうか、分かりません。
D: 結構ですよ。
C: そうですか。お電話ありがとうございました。失礼します。