Lesson 427
Trevor has to go away on business. However, he's missed a gas bill which he has to pay off before he gets back, otherwise his gas will be turned off. He calls his friend Kelly to ask her to pay it for him.
Trevor has to go away on business. However, he's missed a gas bill which he has to pay off before he gets back, otherwise his gas will be turned off. He calls his friend Kelly to ask her to pay it for him.
K: Kelly
T: Trevor
T: Hello, Kelly? It’s Trevor.
K: Hi, Trevor. What’s up?
T: I have a favor to ask you.
K: Okay. Shoot.
T: I have to go out of town tomorrow on business, and I’m going to
be away for a couple of days.
K: Yeah.
T: Well, the thing is, I somehow forgot to pay one of my gas bills
and it’s due before I get back. I would go and pay it myself,
but it’s Sunday and the gas company’s closed today.
K: So you want me to pay it for you?
T: Would you mind? If it’s not paid by the 12th, they’re going to
cut off my gas.
K: Sure. No problem.
T: Great. I’ll leave the bill and the money in an envelope in my
mail box tomorrow morning. You can get it any time after that.
I really appreciate this, Kelly.
K: Don’t mention it.
What's up?
"what's up?"は、「どうしたの?、何かあった?」という意味の他
に、「元気?、最近調子はどう?」など、"how are you?"と同じ意味
もある。また、"what's up with 〜?"で、「〜は(一体)どうなって
ex: "What's up?" "I just wanted to talk to you."
Okay. Shoot.
ex: "Can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure, shoot."
If it's not paid by the 12th, they're going to cut off my gas.
"cut off 〜"は「切断する、やめる、打ち切る、電話を切る」などの
意味がある。他に"cut"を使う表現は、"cut across"「横切る」、
"cut and run"「ささっと去る」、"cut back"「削減する、短く
する」、"cut corners"「手を抜く」などがある。
ex: I forgot to pay my bills, so they cut off my power and phone.
T: もしもし、ケリー?トレバーだけど。
K: あら、トレバー。どうしたの?
T: お願いがあるんだ。
K: いいわよ。言ってみて。
T: 出張で明日街を出なくちゃいけなくて、二、三日留守にするんだ。
K: ええ。
T: それで、問題というのが、どうしてかガス代を払うのを忘れてしまった
K: それで、私に払って欲しいのね?
T: いいかな?もし、12日までに払わないと、ガスが止められるんだよ。
K: ええ、いいわよ。
T: 良かった。明日の朝、請求書と現金を入れた封筒を、僕のポストに入れて
K: お礼なんていいわよ。