つかえる英会話Daily / Travel

Lesson 457 中級


Alex is talking to his friend Stephanie about her recent trip to Italy.



Alex is talking to his friend Stephanie about her recent trip to Italy.

A: So I heard from Gina the other day that you were in Italy.

S: Yeah. I was in Germany on business and I took a few days off to
go to Italy. It was great.

A: Whereabouts were you?

S: I only had three days so I decided to go to Florence. I wanted to
go to Rome and Venice as well, but it would have been too much for
such a short trip.

A: Yeah, it’s probably a good idea not to cram too much into a
vacation like that. Anyway, what did you see there?

S: All sorts of things. I went to the Uffizi gallery, the Palazzo
Vecchio, the Duomo, basically all the sites within Florence itself.
And then on my last day I went on a bike tour of the vineyards
surrounding the city. That was really worthwhile.

A: Wow. You did a lot of stuff. So what was your favourite place that
you visited?

S: Well, the Uffizi was definitely impressive and something I would
recommend to anyone going there. But I would have to say that my
favourite was the Duomo. It’s so magnificent inside and you can
climb up to the top and get a great view of the entire city.

A: That’s great. Italy is one country I’ve been meaning to visit for
a long time, and hearing you talk about Florence makes me want to
go even more.

S: You should.



Whereabouts were you?

居場所、居所、位置」などの意味もある。"search for someone's
whereabouts"「(人の)行方を追う」、"present whereabouts"
Ex: Whereabouts in Japan do you live?

Yeah, it's probably a good idea not to cram too much into a vacation like that.

ガリ勉」という意味がある。"cram school"は「塾、予備校」という
Ex: I crammed too many books into my bag and broke it.

Italy is one country I've been meaning to visit for a long time

"mean to 〜"は「〜するつもりである、〜しようと思っている、
Ex: I have been meaning to ask you out for a date.



A: この間ジーナから、君がイタリアに行ったって聞いたよ。

S: そうなの。出張でドイツに行ったから、二、三日休みを取って、イタリアに行ったのよ。良かったわ。

A: どの辺に行ったの?

S: 三日しかなかったから、フィレンツェに行くことに決めたの。ローマとベニスも行きたかったけど、こんな短期間の旅行じゃ大変過ぎるから。

A: そうだよ、こういう休暇に、ぎゅうぎゅうと詰め込み過ぎない方が良いだろうね。それで、イタリアで何を見たの?

S: いろんなものよ。ウフィツィ美術館、ベッキョ宮殿、ドゥオーモに行ったわ。つまり、フィレンツェ内にある全ての観光地ね。それで、最後の日に、街を囲んでいる、ブドウ園の自転車ツアーに行ったの。あれは、本当に行った価値があったわ。

A: お〜、いろんなことしたね。じゃあ、訪れた場所で、君の気に入った場所はどこ?

S: そうね、ウフィツィは本当に感動したし、あそこに行くのは、誰にでも勧めるわ。だけど、私の気に入った所は、ドゥオーモかな。建物の中は壮大で、天辺まで上れるし、街全体の素晴らしい景色が見られるのよ。

A: それは、凄いな。イタリアは、僕がずっと行きたいと思ってる国の一つなんだ。君がフィレンツェのことを話すのを聞いていると、もっと行きたくなってくるよ。

S: 行くべきよ。