Lesson 461
Jeremy is at the library studying. He runs into his friend Claire while he's looking for a book.
Jeremy is at the library studying. He runs into his friend Claire while he's looking for a book.
J: Oh hey, Claire.
C: Hi Jeremy. What are you up to?
J: I’m just looking for a book on the Hundred Years’ War. I’m writing
an essay for my medieval history class. It’s due next Tuesday.
C: Well, I just finished all my reading for the day, so I was going to
go the Tea Room to get a coffee. I don’t suppose you want to come.
J: I’ve really got to get some work done on this essay, because I’ve
also got an exam next Wednesday which I haven’t even started
studying for.
C: That’s too bad.
J: Well, if you want, Jeff and Sally and I were going to go the
Rebel House for a few beers later on. None of us have class until
tomorrow afternoon. You want to come?
C: Sure. I don’t have class until late tomorrow either. What time are
you going?
J: We’re supposed to meet there around 9.
C: Perfect. I’ll see you there at 9.
J: Sounds great.
What are you up to?
"be up to 〜"は「〜しようとして、〜しようと計画して、」という意味。
Ex: What's he up to?
It's due next Tuesday.
"deadline", "due date", "close date", "closing day",
"cut off date"などという。また、"When is you due date?"
Ex: John, did you finish the translation? It's due tomorrow.
That's too bad.
"That's too bad."は「お気の毒に、残念だ、それはご愁傷様、それは
場合に使う表現。"not too bad"になると「まあまあ良い、案外良い、
Ex: "I failed the exam." "That's too bad."
「試験に落ちたよ。」 「残念だったね。」
J: おっ、よお、クレア。
C: あら、ジェレミー。何してるの?
J: ちょっと百年戦争についての本を探してるところ。中世史のクラスの
C: そう、私はちょうど今日の宿題の読書が終わって、コーヒーを飲みに
J: 本当にこのエッセーを片付けなくちゃいけないよ。だって、来週の水曜
C: お気の毒に。
J: まあ、もし良かったら、ジェフとサリーと僕で、後でレベルハウスへ
C: もちろん。明日の午後まで、私もクラスがないの。何時に行くの?
J: 店で、9時頃会うつもりだよ。
C: 良いわ。9時にお店で会いましょう。
J: いいよ。