Lesson 606
Claire is talking to her colleague Ken at the office, about her husband's bad habit.
Claire is talking to her colleague Ken at the office, about her husband's bad habit.
Claire: Hey Ken, do you have any incurable bad habits?
Ken: Wh…what? What on earth are you on about?
Claire: My husband can’t switch off the lights. No matter how many times and how hard I tell him to, he just leaves them on forever.
Ken: Well, bad habits are hard to break…
Claire: I know. No one is perfect. But what he’s doing is not budget-pleasing nor environmentally friendly! The other day, I was so annoyed I told him from now on, I would fine him for leaving the lights and TV on after he’s done with them.
Ken: Oh, that’s pretty harsh…
Claire: But what annoyed me even further was even this fine policy has no effect on him! Very often he dozes off in the middle of the night, leaving the TV and every single light in the living room on until he wakes up at like 5 in the morning! Can you believe that?
Ken: Actually, my girlfriend sometimes criticizes me for leaving the TV on for hours.
Claire: Men!
Bad habits are hard to break…
「〜にやさしい」はよく-friendly(例:environmentally-friendly, user-friendly)と訳されますが、「家計にやさしい」に関してはこう言います。
I told him from now on, I would fine him for leaving the lights and TV on after he's done with them.
fineは「罰金をとる」。leave … onは「…をそのまま(つけっぱなし)にしておく」。
Even this fine policy has no effect on him!
「…に効果がない」はhave no effect on。is ineffective(非効果的だ)と言ってもいいですが、前者の方が英語らしい表現ですね。
Very often he dozes off in the middle of the night, leaving the TV and every single light in the living room on until he wakes up at like 5 in the morning!
doze offは「うとうとと眠り込む、居眠りをする」。文の最後の方のat like 5 in the morningはat such hours as five o'clock in the morningのこと。会話ではo'clockと言うことはめったにありません。
C: ねえケン、あなたは治しようもない悪い癖ってある?
K: な、何だよ?一体何の話だよ?
C: うちの主人は電気を消せないの。何度、どんなに強く言って聞かせても、電気をずーっとつけっぱなしにするのよ。
K: まあ、悪い癖って言うのは直すのは難しいからね…
C: わかってるわよ。誰も完璧じゃないんだから。でもね、彼のやっていることは家計にも地球にもやさしくないでしょ!この間本当にあったまきたから、今後、使い終わっても電気やテレビをつけっぱなしにしておくようなら罰金をとるって言ったのよ。
K: おや、そりゃまた厳しいね…
C: でもさらに私が頭にきたのは、この罰金制ですら彼には効果がないのよ!よく真夜中にテレビやリビング中の電気をつけっぱなしにしたままうとうとしちゃって、そのまま朝の5時とかまで行っちゃうのよ!信じられる?
K: 実は、僕も彼女から時々テレビを何時間もつけっぱなしにしておくって怒られるよ。
C: 男ってのは!